2-5Installing the HardwareConnecting the LED Activity Indicator(Optional) An LED on the front panel of most computers lights toindicate non-SCSI hard disk activity. If you want the LED to lightwhenever there is activity on the AAA-131U2/133U2 instead, youmust disconnect the LED cable from the motherboard and connect itto the LED connector on the AAA-131U2/133U2. If the LED has a2-pin cable, connect the cable to pins 1 and 2 of the LED connector.(Figure 2-5 shows the connection on an AAA-133U2 card.)Note: If you are using non-SCSI disk drives (e.g., IDE), theLED will no longer indicate activity on these drives whenyou connect the LED cable to the AAA-131U2/133U2.12-pinLEDCableFigure 2-5. Connecting the LED Activity Indicator