1-2AAA-130U2 Series Installation and Hardware GuideUse the Adaptec CI/O Management Software ™ , which is includedwith the AAA-131U2/133U2, to create additional arrays (CI/O isrequired for array management in order to provide the proper levelof fault tolerance and event notification). Refer to the Adaptec CI/OManagement Software User’s Guide for instructions on installing andusing the software.System RequirementsThe minimum system requirements for the AAA-131U2/133U2 aren PCI-based 90-MHz Pentium or equivalent motherboard withPCI-to-PCI bridge supportn An available half-length (for AAA-131U2) or full-length(for AAA-133U2), unobstructed PCI slot that supports BusMasteringn A minimum of one SCSI hard diskn A standard 168-pin EDO 3.3v, 60ns or faster DIMM installed onthe adapter. (A DIMM is typically pre-installed.) See theAdaptec Web Site athttp://www.adaptec.com/raid for a list ofapproved DIMMs and vendorsn Five MBytes of free hard disk space for the AAA-131U2/133U2software (five MBytes of free hard disk space on the Windowssystem disk are also required for the temporary files createdduring installation of the software)n Windows NT ™ 4.0 Server, Windows NT 4.0 Workstation,Novell NetWare 4.11, 4.2, or 5.0, or UnixWare 7.0.n A 3.5-inch 1.44-MByte primary (boot) floppy disk driven 64 MBytes or more of system memory.Caution: An Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) is a keyfeature for system fault tolerance. It is possible to lose datadue to power failure or power brown outs. In order to pre-vent errors or data loss due to power failure, Adaptecstrongly recommends that a UPS be installed to supportyour system.