Since LATCH-compatible child seatsare easier to install and reduce thepossibility of improper installation,we recommend selecting this style.When buying a child seat, you needto choose either a conventional childseat, or one designed for use withthe lower anchors and tethers forchildren (LATCH) system.Rear-facing for infants, forward-facing for small children.Before purchasing a conventionalchild seat, or using a previouslypurchased one, we recommend thatyou test the seat in the specificvehicle seating position or positionswhere the seat will be used.Conventional child seats must besecured to a vehicle with a seat belt,whereas LATCH-compatible seatsare secured by attaching the seat tohardware built into the two outerrear seats.In seating positions and vehicles notequipped with LATCH, a LATCH-compatible child seat can be installedusing a seat belt.Whatever type of seat you choose, toprovide proper protection, a childseat should meet threerequirements:Look for FMVSS213 or CMVSS 213 on the box.The child seat should be of theproper type and size to fit the child.The child seat should fit thevehicle seating position (orpositions) where it will be used.The child seat should meet U.S. orCanadian Motor Vehicle SafetyStandard a Child Seat Driver and Passenger Safety412008 TL