The VOL button adjusts the volumeup ( ) or down ( ). Press the topor bottom of the button, hold it untilthe desired volume is reached, thenrelease it.If you are listening to the radio, usethe CH button to change stations.Each time you press the top ( ) ofthe button, the system goes to thenext preset station on the band youare listening to. Press the bottom( ) to go back to the previousstation.Three controls for the audio systemare mounted in the steering wheelhub. These let you control basicfunctions without removing yourhand from the wheel.The MODE button changes themode. Pressing the buttonrepeatedly selects FM1, FM2, AM,XM Radio (U.S. models), a disc (if adisc is loaded), or a tape (if a tape isloaded).To activate the seek function, pressand hold the top ( ) or bottom ( )of the CH button until you hear abeep. The system searches up ordown from the current frequency tofind a station with a strong signal.If you are playing a disc, the systemskips to the beginning of the nexttrack (file in MP3 or WMA format)each time you press the top ( ) ofthe CH button. Press the bottom( ) to return to the beginning of thecurrent track or file. Press it twice toreturn to the previous track or file.You will see the track/file numberand the elapsed time. If the disc hastext data or is compressed in MP3 orWMA, you can also see any otherinformation (track title, file name,folder name, etc.).CONTINUEDRemote Audio Controls Features183VOL BUTTON CH BUTTONMODE BUTTON2008 TL