Turn the ignition switch to the ON(II) position to raise or lower anywindow. To open a window, push theswitch down and hold it. Release theswitch when you want the window tostop. Pull back on the switch andhold it to close the window.The windows will operate for up to10 minutes after you turn off theignition switch. Opening either frontdoor cancels this function.The driver’s door armrest has amaster power window control panel.To open the passenger’s window,push down on the appropriate switchand hold it until the window reachesthe desired position. To close thewindow, pull back on the windowswitch. Release the switch when thewindow gets to the position you want.To open either frontwindow fully, push the windowswitch firmly down to the seconddetent, then release it. The windowautomatically goes down all the way.To stop the window from going allthe way down, pull back on thewindow switch briefly.AUTOPower Windows112DRIVER’S WINDOWSWITCHMAINSWITCHClosing a power window onsomeone’s hands or fingers cancause serious injury.Make sure your passengers areaway from the windows beforeclosing them.2008 TL