70 PRODUCT USER GUIDEKVM SettingsUser ConsoleThe following settings are user specific. That means the admin can customizethese settings for every user separately. Changing the settings for one user doesnot affect the settings for the other users.Figure 73 User Console Settings (Part 1)Remote Console Settings for UserThis selection box displays the user ID for which the values are shown and forwhich the changes will take effect. Select the desired user from the selection boxand press the Update button. This will result in displaying the according usersettings below.Note: You are allowed to change the settings of other users only if you havethe necessary access rights for this task. For a regular user without thecorrect permissions it is not possible to change the settings for any otherusers.Transmission EncodingThe Transmission Encoding setting allows changing the image-encoding algorithmthat is used to transmit the video data to the Remote Console window. It is possibleto optimize the speed of the remote screen depending on the number of usersworking at the same time and the bandwidth of the connection line (Modem, ISDN,DSL, LAN, etc.).Automatic detectionThe encoding and the compression level is determined automatically from theavailable bandwidth and the current content of the video image.Pre-configuredThe pre-configured settings deliver the best result because of optimizedadjustment of compression and color depth for the indicated network speed.ManuallyAllows to adjust both compression rate and the color depth individually.