6 PRODUCT USER GUIDEWhen the Server is deadObviously, fixing hardware defects is not possible using a remote management device.Nevertheless, the ARMC/3P gives the administrator valuable information about the typeof a hardware failure. Serious hardware failures can be categorized into five differentcategories with different chances to happen 1:Table 1 Hardware FailuresCategory ProbabilityHard disk failure 50 %Power cable detached, power supply failure 28 %CPU, Controller, motherboard failure 10 %CPU fan failure 8 %RAM failure 4 %Using the ARMC/3P, administrators can determine which kind of serious hardwarefailure has occurred (see Table 2).Table 2 Host System Failures and how they are detectedCategory ProbabilityHard disk failure Console screen, CMOS set-upinformationPower cable detached, power supplyfailureServer remeians in power off state afterpower on command has been given.CPU, Controller, motherboard failure Power supply is on, but there is no videoputput.CPU fan failure By IPMI or server specific managementsoftwareRAM failure Boot-Sequence on boot consoleNote: According to a survey made by the Intel Corp.