Features and MenuCards Main Menu103automatic call answering should be activated for Internal calls, Externalcalls or for Int.ƒ&ƒExt. calls. You can activate this function with On ordeactivate automatic call answering with Off.6.2.3 MenuCard “Call Forwarding”You can forward internal or external calls intended for yourself (with the exceptionof hunt group calls) to another internal or external call number. You can decidewhether only internal, only external, or both types of calls can be forwarded. IfOpenVoice, the integrated voice mail system, is installed, you can also forwardcalls to a voicebox configured for you.Least Cost Routing (LCR) can be used for call forwarding to external numbers pro-vided that your system administrator has configured LCR and its application in theOpenCom 100 correspondingly. Ask your system administrator which configu-ration applies to you.Calls can be forwarded immediately, after a specified period of time, or if the line isbusy. You can also use more than one type of forwarding (Immediately, AfterDelay, or Busy) in parallel. You could, for example, configure call forwardingImmediately for external callers to one number and call forwarding AfterDelay for internal callers to another number.The system administrator specifies the period of time (in seconds) after which acall is forwarded when configuring the system. If more than one type of for-warding is activated, Immediately has priority.Note: All calls to your telephone’s numbers (with the excep-tion of hunt group numbers) are forwarded. If a number isstored on more than one telephone, calls made to any of theother telephones will also be forwarded.“Divert MSN” is available for ISDN multi-terminal accesses. You can use this type ofcall forwarding to forward incoming external calls to external destinations for eachMSN, as long as you have the relevant authorisation.“Divert door” is available for door calls. Providing you have the relevant authori-sation, you can forward door calls to your telephone to another (internal orexternal) telephone (a so-called “pharmacy line”).