Outgoing Calls, Busy/No-AnswerMD Evolution – Cordless DT412 / DT422 / DT43248Toll Restriction and Least Cost RoutingUsually, you have access rights to the public network and all privatenetworks to which your facility is connected. You also usually havethe authorization to dial any type of external number, mostparticularly a public number.In terms of the facility programming dictated by your systemadministrator, there may be certain external numbers that arediscriminated.Most particularly, this may apply to numbers for service provided bythe public network, or certain international destinations. An attemptto dial these numbers would be automatically refused.Moreover, your facility will also most often be equipped with a LeastCost Routing (LCR) service for external calls, especially if yourfacility is connected to private networks or different public networkoperators.The LCR service therefore automatically ensures that the routing ofexternal numbers you dial will be processed with the least possiblecost, or managed according to the most optimal calling route.Note: The numbers dialled using abbreviated dialling arenever subjected to any type of discrimination. If you have aspecific need or question concerning discriminatednumbers, you may ask your system administrator or facilityattendants that the numbers in questions be added to thelist of abbreviated dialling numbers.