111MD Evolution – Cordless DT412 / DT422 / DT432More Features on your ExtensionSecondary Attendant ServicesBesides the services that are accessible or that may be assigned toa DT4X2 extension, additional services are also available for thesystem's attendants.Within this context, the following services are offered:• General calls acceptance: This service enables attendants tocontrol their active or inactive status for processing a system'sgeneral calls, in relation to their shifts.• Door phone service: Your facility may be equipped with a doorphone; calls from this extension are usually processed by theattendants.• Call pick-up for general ringing calls: Your facility may beequipped with a common bell that receives general calls whenthe attendants' lines are congested, or when they are absent.According to the specific rights assigned to your extension, youmay also have access to these attendant-based services.Attendants also have access to the following services:• Call offer or intrusion: This service allows attendants tointerrupt an ongoing call to present an urgent call.• Do not disturb override service: Similarly, this service allowsthe attendant to override the “Do not disturb” status to presentan urgent call.• Complete third party call forward service: This serviceallows attendants to program any type of call forward for auser's account, without restrictions.