Managing Calls131 41-001382-00 REV01 – 06.2013Account Configuration (DND and Call Forwarding)The 9480i has a feature that allows you to configure “Do Not Disturb” (DND) and “call forwarding” (CFWD) for multipleaccounts on the phone. You can set specific modes for the way you want the phone to handle DND and CFWD. The threemodes you can set on the phone for these features are:• Account• Phone• CustomThe following paragraphs describe account-based DND and CFWD:• DND Account-Based Configuration• Call Forward Account-Based ConfigurationDND Account-Based Configuration"Do Not Disturb" (DND) is a feature on the phone that prevents the phone from ringing and receiving incoming calls.When DND is enabled with "call forwarding" (CFWD), any incoming calls can be call forwarded to voicemail or anothernumber. See "“Call Forward Account-Based Configuration”" on page 136 for more information about call forwarding toother numbers.On the 9480i, you can set DND on the phone-side for a specific account or for all accounts on the phone. You can setthree modes for DND using the Aastra Web UI at the path, Basic Settings->Preferences->General->DND Key Mode:Account, Phone (default), and Custom. DND performs according to the mode you set.You can then configure a DND key (for the phone or for an expansion module) using the Aastra Web UI at the path, Oper-ation->Softkeys Keys and XML. You can enable and disable DND by toggling the key, or by setting DND for a specificaccount at the path, Basic Settings->Account Configuration. Once you enable DND, "DND" displays on the LCD for theapplicable account.The following describes the key behavior for each DND mode.• Account - DND key toggles the account in focus on the IP Phone UI, to ON or OFF if DND enabled for that account.• Phone - (default) DND key toggles all accounts on the phone to ON or OFF.• Custom - DND key displays custom screens on the IP Phone UI. User can select whether to enable/disable DND peraccount, enable DND on all accounts, or disable DND on all accounts.The following table describes the key and Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) LEDs when you enable DND on the IP Phone.Note:If there is only one account configured on the phone, then the mode setting is ignored and the phone behaves as if themode was set to “Phone”.Key LED Behavior for All Modes MWI LED Behavior for All ModesDND key LED RED if current account in focus has DNDON.DND key LED OFF when current account in focus hasDND disabled.MWI LED ON if current account in focus has DND ON.MWI LED OFF if current account in focus has DND OFF.Tues Jan1 10:00amL1- DNDScreenname1DND On