41-001381-05 REV03 – 07.2014 110Managing CallsThe 9480i CT has several features that make it easier to manage calls, and to keep track of your caller history, as well asyour business and personal contacts.These features include:• Directory List• Callers List• Call Forwarding• Missed Calls Indicator• VoicemailDirectory ListThe Directory List is your personal phone book, conveniently stored within your phone. You can enter up to 200 entriesinto the 9480i CT Directory by adding them manually, or by saving the number and name from other lists stored on yourphone. You can also dial directly from a directory entry. On the 9480i CT, you access the Directory by pressing the UParrow navigation key or any softkey configured for Directory.Accessing Your DirectoryUse the following procedure to access your Directory List. Use the following illustration as a reference.IP Phone UI9480iConf ServicesXfer IcomABC DEFGHI JKL MNOPQRS TUV WXYZ1436257 980* #GoodbyeOptionsHold RedialL1 L2 L3 L4Directory KeyYou can also configurea softkey as theDirectory Key