Line Keys and Softkeys41-001381-05 REV03 – 07.2014 82Speeddial/MWIThe 9480i CT supports multiple voicemail registration by using the Speeddial/MWI key. This feature can be useful in sce-narios where you need to monitor the voicemail accounts of your team members or you need access to your manager’svoicemail messages.By configuring a key as “Speeddial/MWI” and defining call and voicemail URIs, you can monitor and listen to pendingmessages on multiple voicemail accounts. When new messages are pending on a monitored voicemail account the UI willdisplay an envelope icon and the number of pending messages beside the defined label.When you press the configured softkey, the phone will send an INVITE to the configured call URI whereby you will be ableto listen to the new messages. The Speeddial/MWI key can be configured through the Aastra Web UI.Configuring a Speeddial/MWI KeyAastra Web UI1. Click on Operation->Softkeys and XML.2. Select from "Key 1" through "Key 20".3. In the "Type" field, select Speeddial/MWI.4. In the “Label” field, enter a key label to assign to the Speeddial/MWI key (e.g. Peter).When messages are pending, the IP phone UI will display an envelope icon, the number of pending messages, andthen the defined label (e.g. 3 Peter).5. In the “Value” field, enter in the call URI and voicemail URI separated by a semi-colon, as per the following syntax:[call URI];[voicemail URI]. For example, +33123456,,,3456#0000#@domain;sip:voicemail_peter@domainNotes:• As the example above illustrates, pauses and DTMF are supported for the call URI.• Ensure that no spaces are added between the call URI and the voicemail URI when defining the key value.• If only one URI is provided, the value will be used for the voicemail URI and the call URI will be left as undefined.6. In the “Line” field, select the line for which you want to use the key functionality.7. Click Save Settings.