Features540 System functions and features as of R3.0syd-0367/1.3 – R3.0 – 03.20139. 8. 3 Time-controlled functionsUp to 50 (Aastra 470 up to 500) time-controlled functions (*/# function codes) canbe defined in the System Configuration to be executed once at a particular time ona particular date. It is also possible to define recurring functions to be executed at aparticular time on a particular weekday or every weekday. The */# function codescan be used for user-specific features or for settings applicable throughout the sys-tem.Unlike the control of features or the modification of configurations via the terminal,time-controlled functions are not subject to the authorisations or to the digit bar-ring that apply to individual users.Tab. 363 Examples of time-controlled functions:Tip:The function is not carried out if neither an execution date nor a start /stop range is defined. This allows you to deactivate entries in the tablewithout having to delete them.Features and settings can also be activated, deactivated and modified with timecontrol and in parallel via terminals. Each particular status is event-controlled, i.e.the last command chronologically determines the current status. The previous sta-tuses of the functions are not verified. If a function is removed from the table, itsstatus is also retained.Note:Invalid entries in the function column which cannot be executed do nottrigger an error message.No.FunctioncodesStart(Day)Stop(Day)ExecutiondateExecutiontimeSwitchgroup Meaning1 *0620#21 Monday Friday 08:00 Deactivate CFU of user 202 *0620*2124 Monday Friday 16:30 CFU from user 20 to user243 #74 854 20.12.2002 22:00 Deactivate control out-put 854 (e.g. heating)4 *74 854 06.01.2003 05:30 Activate control output854 (e.g. heating)