Features432 System functions and features as of R3.0syd-0367/1.3 – R3.0 – 03.20139. 6. 1. 10 Functions in prefix diallingFunctions for personal greetingsOn system phones with a display, personal greetings are recorded, monitored andactivated using the Foxkey. The same functions are also available using */# functioncodes. The user operates the settings on his own terminal:Tab. 220 Voice mail: Functions for personal greetingsFunctions for global greetingsGlobal greetings are always recorded, monitored, activated and erased using */#function codes. This requires a special authorization except for monitoring the glo-bal greetings. For this the terminal must be assigned an authorization profile withthe administration right Audio services. Also the user PIN must not be set to the de-fault value "0000". The procedure can be operated on any internal terminals (DTMF/ Keypad protocol).Tab. 221 Voice mail: Functions for global greetingsFunctions Function codes1)1) "[ ]" the digits inside the brackets are optional"nn" stands for the node number. If no node number is indicated, the node used is that of the terminal withwhich the functions are carried out. With IP system phones this is always the Master; with cordless phones itis the node at which the phone is currently located.Recording personal greeting x with phone *913x [*nn] # (x = 1, 2, 3)To record personal greeting x via communicationserver audio input*923x [*nn] # (x = 1, 2, 3)Check recording *#913x [*nn] # or *#923x [*nn] # (x = 1, 2, 3)Delete recording #913x [*nn] # or #923x [*nn] # (x = 1, 2, 3)Activate greeting *933x (x = 1, 2, 3)Deactivate greeting #933x (x = 1, 2, 3)x = 1, 2, 3: Personal greeting 1, 2, 3Functions Function codes1)Recording global greeting x with phone *913x [*nn] # (x = 7, 8)To record global greeting via communicationserver audio input*923x [*nn] # (x = 7, 8)Check recording *#913x [*nn] # or *#923x [*nn] # (x = 7, 8)Delete recording #913x [*nn] # or #923x [*nn] # (x = 7, 8)x = 7: global greetingx = 8: global overflow greeting