Features374 System functions and features as of R3.0syd-0367/1.3 – R3.0 – 03.20139. 4. 1. 2 "Wait for connection" settingSpecifies whether a Call Forwarding Unconditional of an external call to the ex-change is always switched through or only if the called party answers a call (and aconnection is therefore set up):• Wait for connection = NoThe Call Forwarding Unconditional is always switched through.• Wait for connection = YesThe Call Forwarding Unconditional is switched through only if a connection isset up.If the destination user is busy or unobtainable, this setting ensures that the callerdoes not incur charges for the connection up to the communication server.ExampleCFU to the number of a mobile phone user who has switched his phone off:• If Wait for connection = No has been set, the Call Forwarding Unconditional willbe switched through: The callers will obtain a spoken text provided by the mo-bile service provider, indicating that the required user cannot be reached atpresent.• If Wait for connection = Yes is set, the Call Forwarding Unconditional is notswitched through and the caller will obtain the ring-back tone.ScopeThis feature is available only with stand-alone communication servers and gatewayPINXs.