Page 4 HV-G/HW-G Series2. Outline and Features2. Outline and FeaturesThe HV-G series are platform scales with 1/3000 resolution, and have the tripleweighing range function to select the weighing range.The HW-G series come with two types of resolution;1/6000 : HW-300KGL4, HW-300KGV4, HW-600KGL4, HW-600KGV4, HW-600KGL3,HW-600KGV3, HW-1200KGL3 and HW-1200KGV3.1/10000 : Other modelsType L scales use a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and use batteries or an AC adapteras a power source.Type V scales use a fluorescent display so it can be read in dim light. This type isdirectly powered from the AC power line.Using the standard RS-232C serial interface, data can be output to a printer, and thescale can be controlled or can be set by a command from a personal computer.The counting mode converts the total mass value (total weight) of articles to becounted, to a count, when each article has the same mass value.The scales can display the unit of percentage.The accumulation function (up to 6 digits) accumulates each weight value and countsthe number of times articles are weighed.The comparator function compares the displayed weight value with the upper limitvalue (HI) and the lower limit value (LO) and displays the result. The result can beoutput by a buzzer if option OP-03 is installed.The simple batch function or full/dribble batch function can be used for filling up to atarget mass value. The status of a weight value can be output if option OP-03 orOP-04 is installed. The outputs are zero band, preliminary and final.The optional RS-422/RS-485 serial interface can control up to 16 scales from acomputer, when this option (OP-04) is installed instead of an RS-232C serialinterface.Type V scales can be equipped with option OP-06, a built-in impact dot matrix printer.The following parameters are stored in the scale even if the power is removed.Unit mass of counting mode100% mass of percentage modeTotal count and total mass of accumulation functionUpper limit value and lower limit value of upper / lower comparator function,Final value, preliminary value and zero band of full / dribble batch function orFinal value, preliminary value and zero band of simple batch functionCalibration dataParameters of the function table (f1 to f17)