9.8 Roasting with Turbo GrillingBeefType of meat Quantity OvenfunctionShelf posi-tionTempera-ture °CTime(min.)Pot roast 1 - 1.5 kgConven-tionalCooking1 230 120 - 150Roast beef orfillet: rareper cm ofthicknessTurboGrilling 1 190 - 2001) 5 - 6Roast beef orfillet: mediumper cm ofthicknessTurboGrilling 1 180 - 1901) 6 - 8Roast beef orfillet: welldoneper cm ofthicknessTurboGrilling 1 170 - 1801) 8 - 101) Preheat the oven.PorkType of meat Quantity OvenfunctionShelf posi-tionTempera-ture °CTime(min.)Shoulder /Neck / Hamjoint1 - 1.5 kg TurboGrilling 1 160 - 180 90 - 120Chop / Sparerib 1 - 1.5 kg TurboGrilling 1 170 - 180 60 - 90Meatloaf 750 g - 1kgTurboGrilling 1 160 - 170 50 - 60Pork knuckle(precooked)750 g - 1kgTurboGrilling 1 150 - 170 90 - 120VealType ofmeatQuantity Oven func-tionShelf posi-tionTempera-ture °CTime (min.)Roast veal 1 kg Turbo Grill-ing1 160 - 180 90 - 120Knuckle ofveal1.5 - 2 kg Turbo Grill-ing1 160 - 180 120 - 150LambType ofmeatQuantity Oven func-tionShelf posi-tionTempera-ture °CTime (min.)Leg oflamb /Roast lamb1 - 1.5 kg Turbo Grill-ing1 150 - 170 100 - 12022 www.aeg.com