Chapter 5. Configuration Menu61200410L1-1 ESULT User Manual 5-9Port Config (Port Configuration)The menu item PORT is used to select and then to configurethe parameters associated with the high-speed serialinterface.INTERFACEThis option sets the electrical interface for the Nx56/64 port.TS0 RATEThis sets the base rate of the interface. The actual data ratedepends on the number of time slots that are used.Choices: 56K; 64KMAPPINGThis sets the unit to use alternate or contiguous channels inthe E1 data stream. If more than 16 channels are used in CCSmode, contiguous must be used. If more than 15 channels areused in CAS mode, contiguous must be used. If other than aprivate network is used, the carrier must be notified of thischoice.Choices: ALT (alternate); CONT (contiguous)DTE TX CLOCKControls the clock used by the ESU L to accept the transmit(TX) data from the DTE. Most applications will allow for thisto be set to INTERNAL. If the interface cable is long (causing aphase shift in the data) the clock can be selected as INT/INV(Internal/Inverted). This switches the phase of the clockwhich should compensate for a long cable.The factory default setting for this option is AUTO. The AUTODTE TX CLK setting will allow the ESU LT to automaticallydetect the delay from the DTE device to the ESU LT and setthe proper phase of the clock. AUTO DTE TX CLK is notavailable in unframed mode.This feature will automatically select between the INTERNALand INT-INV settings. If the DTE provides a clock with TXdata, the clock selection is set to EXTERNAL. The ESU LT willdepend on an externally supplied clock to accept the TX data.Choices: INTERNAL; INT-INV; EXTERNAL; AUTO