C/C++ Libraries 435.2 Programming GuideNaming ConventionThe functions of the NuDAQ PCI cards or NuIPC CompactPCIcards’ software drivers use full-names to represent the functions'real meaning. The naming convention rules are:In DOS:_{hardware_model}_{action_name}. e.g. _7200_Initial().All functions in the PCI-7200 driver are named with 7200 as{hardware_model}. But they can be used by PCI-7200, cPCI-7200and LPCI-7200S.In order to recognize the difference between DOS library and Win-dows 95 library, a capital "W" is put on the head of each functionname of the Windows 95 DLL driver (e.g. W_7200_Initial()).Data TypesSome data types are defined in Pci_7200.h (DOS) and Acl_pci.h(Windows 95). These data types are used by NuDAQ Cards’library. We suggest using these data types. The following tableshows the data type names and their range.Table 5-1: Data TypesType Name Description RangeU8 8-bit ASCII character 0 to 255I16 16-bit signed integer -32768 to 32767U16 16-bit unsigned integer 0 to 65535I32 32-bit signed integer -2147483648 to 2147483647U32 32-bit single-precision floating-point 0 to 4294967295F32 32-bit single-precision floating-point -3.402823E38 to 3.402823E38F64 64-bit double-precision floating-point -1.797683134862315E308 to1.797683134862315E309Boolean Boolean logic value TRUE, FALSE