22 Installation2.8 LPCI-7200S PCI Bus SignalingLow-Profile PCI is a new PCI card standard for space-constrainedsystem designs. The new form factor has the same electrical pro-tocols, PCI signals, and software drivers as standard PCI v2.2expansion cards. However, the Low-Profile PCI bus interface onlysupports 3.3V signaling. To support both 5V and 3.3V signaling,LPCI-7200S implements 5V I/O tolerant bus switches to achievethe I/O voltage transition. This allows LPCI-7200S to be used inboth 5V and 3.3V systems.2.9 Onboard Pull-ups and Terminations in digitalinputThe PCI-7200, cPCI-7200 and LPCI-7200S have 32 digital inputchannels. Onboard pull-ups and terminations for digital input cir-cuits may be needed for some applications. The pull-ups guaran-tee a fixed input state when external connections are floating.Schottky terminations can minimize undershoot/overshoot distur-bances caused by reflection noise on high-speed bus lines. Table2.1 lists the pull-ups and termination status of PCI-7200, cPCI-7200 and LPCI-7200S. Figure 2.8 is the illustration of the pull-upresistor and terminations on-board.Table 2-3: Pull-ups and termination of PCI/cPCI-7200 and LPCI-7200S.Pull-up resistor TerminationsPCI-7200 None NonecPCI-7200 None Schottky diode clamped to ground & powerLPCI-7200S 10kΩ Schottky diode clamped to ground & power