14 INSTALLATIONcoNFIGurATIoNOPERATIONFURTHERINFORMATIONINDEXsysTem ANd TeAmING PorTs: INITIAl coNFIGurATIoNALIF 2112T units are designed to be as flexible as possible and this principle extends alsoto their configuration.Direct linkingWhere ALIF transmitters and receivers (all models) are directly linked to each other,very little configuration action is required, provided that they have their factory defaultsettings in place. If the standard settings have been changed in a previous installation, youmerely need to perform a factory reset on each unit.Networked linkingWhere ALIF transmitters and receivers (all models) are connected via networked links,you can either configure them individually, or configure them collectively using an A.I.M.server:• Configuring networked ALIF units individually - You need to specify thenetwork addresses of the ALIF units so that they can locate each other. This is doneby running the AdderLink Infinity browser-based configuration utility on a computersystem linked to the same network as the ALIF units.• Configuring ALIF units collectively - The AdderLink Infinity Management(A.I.M.) server allows you to configure, control and coordinate any number of ALIFtransmitters and receivers from a single application.IMPORTANT: When using A.I.M. to configure ALIF dual units, it is vital that all unitsthat you wish to locate and control are set to their factory default settings. Otherwisethey will not be located by the A.I.M. server. If necessary, perform a factory reset oneach ALIF dual unit.manual factory resetA factory reset returns an ALIF transmitter or receiver unit to its default configuration.You can perform factory resets using the AdderLink Infinity browser-basedconfiguration utility or by using this direct manual method.To perform a manual factory reset1 Remove power from the ALIF unit.2 Use a narrow implement (e.g. a straightened-out paper clip) to press-and-hold therecessed reset button on the front panel. With the reset button still pressed, re-apply power to the unit and then release the reset button.After roughly eight seconds, when the factory reset has completed, five of the frontpanel indicators will flash for a period of three seconds to indicate a successful resetoperation.Use a straightened-out paper clip to pressthe reset button while powering on the unitPlease also see Appendix C - Tips for success when networking ALIF units