Technical data129Losses, cooling data and noiseTerminal and lead-through data for the power cablesThe maximum accepted cable size is 4 × (3 × 240) mm 2 or 4 × (3 × 500 AWG).Screw size for connecting busbars to the drive module input and output busbars:M12, tightening torque 50...75 N·m.Units with optional common mode filter (+E208)The additional busbars are included in the delivery of units with optional commonmode filter (+E208). The output busbars of the drive module can be enhanced withthe additional busbars in units without optional cabling panels (no +H381 or +H383).Then, the maximum accepted cable size is 4 × (3 × 240) mm 2 or 4 × (3 × 500 AWG).Screw size for connecting busbars to the drive module input and output busbars:M12, tightening torque 50...75 N·m.Units with optional cabling panels (+H381 or +H383)The maximum accepted cable size is 4 × (3 × 240) mm 2 or 4 × (3 × 500 AWG). Thecabling panels are connected to the drive module busbars with M12 serpress nuts,tightening torque 30 N·m (20 lbf·ft).Input, motor and brake resistor cable terminal sizes and tightening torques are givenbelow.Two-hole 1/2 inch diameter cable lugs can be used.Drive typeACS850-04FramesizeAir flow Heat dissipation Noisem 3/h ft3 /min W dB(A)-387A-5 G1 1200 707 4403 72-500A-5 G1 1200 707 5602 72-580A-5 G1 1200 707 6409 72-650A-5 G1 1200 707 8122 72-710A-5 G2 1200 707 8764 72-807A-5 G2 1200 707 9862 72-875A-5 G2 1420 848 10578 71U1, V1, W1, U2, V2, W2, UDC+, UDC-, R+, R- Grounding busbarScrew Tightening torque Screw Tightening torqueN-m N-mM12 50...75 M10 30...44U1, V1, W1, U2, V2, W2, UDC+, UDC-, R+, R- Grounding busbarScrew Tightening torque Screw Tightening torquelbf·ft lbf·ft1/2 37...55 3/8 22...32