Software ConfigurationRemoving an existing driver under Windows XP1. Log on to Windows XP using an account that has administrative privileges. Please consult yoursystem administrator or Windows XP User's Manual for more information on Administratorprivileges.2. From the Start menu, go to Control Panel.3. Under Change or Remove Programs, highlight the current Display Driver and clickChange/Remove.4. Click Yes when prompted to confirm the driver removal.5. Click OK when notified you must reboot your system for driver removal to occur and reboot yoursystem before installing the new Wildcat4 driver.Installing the Wildcat4 driver1. This driver must be installed by a user with Windows Administrator privileges. Pleaseconsult your system administrator or Microsoft operating systems User's Manual for moreinformation on Administrator privileges.2. Start Windows. If the Found New Hardware Wizard appears, click Cancel to dismiss thedialog box. In Windows XP, dismiss the balloon asking if you want Windows XP to set yourresolution.3. Locate the driver delivery media which contains the 3Dlabs Wildcat4 driver. Insert the mediain the appropriate drive or change directories to locate the driver.4. Double click on the setup.exe file located under the wcgdrv directory in the driver package.5. In the Wildcat4 Driver Installation Message dialog box, click OK to begin the driver installprocedure.6. The workstation must be restarted for the new settings to take effect. Remove the deliverymedia from the disk drive (if applicable). Click Yes to restart the workstation. In WindowsXP, choose Log off, then choose Turn off computer, then Restart.Heidi Driver for AutoDesk ApplicationsThe Wildcat4 Heidi® device driver allows full-screen multisampling of and compatibility with AutoDesk®applications as well as hardware acceleration of the Wildcat4 through the use of OpenGL. To install theHeidi driver and to activate full screen multisampling, consult the README .TXT located under the Heididirectory of the Wildcat4 driver delivery media. The SETUP .EXE file under the same directory will initiatethe install program.NOTE: If setup is not able to find your AutoDesk application in the system registry, youwill be asked to enter an installation path. This will be the directory where theAutoDesk application is installed on your system.You must configure the properties settings in your AutoDesk application to use theHeidi driver. Consult your application documentation for configuring yourapplication to use the Heidi driver.3ds max DriverTo install the Wildcat4 custom driver for 3ds max™, consult the README . TXT located under the 3dsmaxdirectory of the Wildcat4 driver delivery media. The SETUP .EXE file under the same directory will initiatethe install program. To use the driver, you must configure the properties settings in 3ds max. Consult yourapplication documentation for configuring the application to use a custom driver.3Dlabs Graphics Accelerator Card User's Guide 13