232 CHAPTER 8: AAA C OMMANDSDefaults — By default, authentication is deactivated for all consoleusers, and the default authentication method in a console authenticationrule is none. MSS requires no username or password, by default. Theseusers can press Enter at the prompts for administrative access.3Com recommends that you change the default setting unless the WXswitch is in a secure physical location.Access — Enabled.History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.Usage — You can configure different authentication methods fordifferent groups of users. (For details, see “User Globs, MAC AddressGlobs, and VLAN Globs” on page 26.)If you specify multiple authentication methods in the set authenticationconsole command, MSS applies them in the order in which they appearin the command, with these results:If the first method responds with pass or fail, the evaluation is final.If the first method does not respond, MSS tries the second method, andso on.However, if local appears first, followed by a RADIUS server group, MSSignores any failed searches in the local WX database and sends anauthentication request to the RADIUS server group.Examples — To set the console port so that it does not enforceusername-password authentication for administrators, type the followingcommand:WX4400# set authentication console * nonesuccess: change accepted.See Also clear authentication console on page 205 display aaa on page 219 set authentication admin on page 229 set authentication dot1x on page 233 set authentication last-resort on page 236