1-25interface-type interface-number: VLAN interface type and interface number corresponding to a staticneighbor entry.DescriptionUse the ipv6 neighbor command to configure a static neighbor entry.Use the undo ipv6 neighbor command to remove a static neighbor entry.Note that:You can configure a static neighbor entry in two ways:z Mapping a VLAN interface to an IPv6 address and a link-layer address. The entry state is INCMP.After the switch get the layer 2 port information of the VLAN, the neighbor entry enters the REACHstate.z Mapping a Layer 2 port in a VLAN to an IPv6 address and a link-layer address. The Layer 2 portspecified by the port-type port-number argument must belong to the VLAN specified by the vlan-idargument, and the corresponding VLAN interface must exist. After you carry out the command, thedevice relates the VLAN interface to the IPv6 address to uniquely identify a static neighbor entrywhich is in REACH state.You only need to specify the corresponding VLAN interface when removing a static neighbor entryrelated to that VLAN interface.Related commands: display ipv6 neighbors.Examples# Configure a static neighbor entry for Ethernet 1/0/1 of VLAN 1. system-viewSystem View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.[Sysname] ipv6 neighbor 2000::1 fe-e0-89 1 Ethernet 1/0/1ipv6 neighbors max-learning-numSyntaxipv6 neighbors max-learning-num numberundo ipv6 neighbors max-learning-numViewVLAN interface viewParametersnumber: Maximum number of neighbors that can be dynamically learned by an interface, in the range of1 to 2048.DescriptionUse the ipv6 neighbors max-learning-num command to configure the maximum number of neighborsthat can be dynamically learned on a specified interface.Use the undo ipv6 neighbors max-learning-num command to restore the configuration to the default.By default, the maximum number is 1024.