9 PORT BASIC CONFIGURATIONEthernet PortOverviewLink Types of EthernetPortsAn Ethernet port on an Switch 4210 can be of the following three link types.■ Access. An access port can belong to only one VLAN. It is used to providenetwork access for terminal users.■ Trunk: A trunk port can belong to more than one VLAN. It can receive/sendpackets from/to multiple VLANs, and is generally used to connect anotherswitch.■ Hybrid: A hybrid port can belong to more than one VLAN. It can receive/sendpackets from/to multiple VLANs, and can be used to connect either a switch ora user PC.n A hybrid port allows the packets of multiple VLANs to be sent without tags, but atrunk port only allows the packets of the default VLAN to be sent without tags.You can configure all the three types of ports on the same device. However, notethat you cannot directly switch a port between trunk and hybrid and you must setthe port as access before the switching. For example, to change a trunk port tohybrid, you must first set it as access and then hybrid.Configuring the DefaultVLAN ID for an EthernetPortAn access port can belong to only one VLAN. Therefore, the VLAN an access portbelongs to is also the default VLAN of the access port. A hybrid/trunk port canbelong to several VLANs, and so a default VLAN ID for the port is required.After you configure default VLAN IDs for Ethernet ports, the packets passingthrough the ports are processed in different ways depending on differentsituations. See Table 55 for details.