84 CHAPTER 6: M ANAGING THE VLANConfiguring VLANManagementBefore configuring the management VLAN, make sure the VLAN operating as themanagement VLAN exists. If VLAN 1 (the default VLAN) is the management VLAN,just go ahead.Overviwc Caution: To create the VLAN interface for the management VLAN on a switchoperating as the management device in a cluster, make sure that the managementVLAN ID is consistent with the cluster management VLAN ID configured with themanagement-vlan vlan-id command. Otherwise, the configuration fails. Refer tothe Cluster Operation Manual for detailed introduction to the cluster. Refer to theVLAN module for detailed introduction to VLAN interfaces.Configuration Example Network requirementsFor a user to manage Switch A remotely through Telnet, these requirements are tobe met: Switch A has an IP address, and the remote Telnet user is reachable.You need to configure the switch as follows:■ Assigning an IP address to the management VLAN interface on Switch A■ Configuring the default routeTable 46 Configure the management VLANOperation Command RemarksEnter system view system-view -Configure a specified VLAN to bethe management VLANmanagement-vlan vlan-id Required.By default, VLAN 1operates as themanagement VLAN.Create the management VLANinterface and enter thecorresponding VLAN interface viewinterface vlan-interfacevlan-idRequiredAssign an IP address to themanagement VLAN interfaceip address ip-address mask Required.By default, no IP address isassigned to themanagement VLANinterface.Configure a static route ip route-static ip-address {mask | mask-length } {interface-typeinterface-number | next-hop} [ preferencepreference-value ] [ reject |blackhole ] [ descriptiontext ]Optional