IPv6 Configuration Task List 533■ To enable a host to access a public IPv6 network, you need to assign an IPv6global unicast address to it.IPv6 site-local addresses and global unicast addresses can be configured in eitherof the following ways:■ EUI-64 format: When the EUI-64 format is adopted to form IPv6 addresses, theIPv6 address prefix of an interface is the configured prefix and the interfaceidentifier is derived from the link-layer address of the interface.■ Manual configuration: IPv6 site-local addresses or global unicast addresses areconfigured manually.IPv6 link-local addresses can be acquired in either of the following ways:■ Automatic generation: The device automatically generates a link-local addressfor an interface according to the link-local address prefix (FE80::/64) and thelink-layer address of the interface.■ Manual assignment: IPv6 link-local addresses can be assigned manually.n ■ IPv6 unicast addresses can be configured for only one Switch 4210 VLANinterface. Only one global unicast address or one site-local address can beconfigured for an interface.■ After an IPv6 site-local address or global unicast address is configured for aninterface, a link-local address will be generated automatically. Theautomatically generated link-local address is the same as the one generated byusing the ipv6 address auto link-local command. If a link-local address ismanually assigned to an interface, this link-local address takes effect. If theTable 387 Configure an IPv6 unicast addressTo do... Use the command... RemarksEnter system view system-view -Enter VLAN interface view interface interface-typeinterface-number-Configure anIPv6 globalunicast addressor site-localaddressManually assign anIPv6 addressipv6 address {ipv6-address prefix-length|ipv6-address/prefix-length }Use either commandBy default, no site-localaddress or global unicastaddress is configured foran interface.Note that the prefixspecified by theprefix-length argumentin an EUI-64 addresscannot exceed 64 bits inlength.Adopt the EUI-64format to form anIPv6 addressipv6 addressipv6-address/prefix-lengtheui-64Configure anIPv6 link-localaddressAutomaticallygenerate a link-localaddressipv6 address autolink-localOptionalBy default, after an IPv6site-local address orglobal unicast address isconfigured for aninterface, a link-localaddress will begenerated automatically.Manually assign alink-local address foran interface.ipv6 addressipv6-address link-local