12 CHAPTER 1: CLI C ONFIGURATIONsupport for services. Commands concerning file system, FTP/TFTP/XModemdownloading, user management, and level setting are at this level.By default, the Console user (a user who logs into the switch through the Consoleport) is a level-3 user and Telnet users are level-0 users.Switching User Levels After logging into the switch, users can change their current user levels through acommand. Note that:■ If a switching password is set for a specific user level by the super passwordcommand, all users must enter the password correctly when they switch fromlower user levels to this level (if a wrong password is entered, they will remainat their original levels).■ If no switching password is set for a specific user level, the Console user candirectly switch to the level, while the Telnet users at lower levels will fail toswitch to the level (they will remain at their original levels) and the informationlike the following will be displayed: % Password is not set.Adopting super password authentication for user level switchingSwitching to a specific user leveln ■ If no user level is specified in the super password command or the supercommand, level 3 is used by default.■ For security purposes, the password entered is not displayed when you switchto another user level. You will remain at the original user level if you have triedthree times but failed to enter the correct authentication information.Configuration examplesAfter a general user telnets to the switch, the user level is 0. The networkadministrator can allow general users to switch to level 3 so that they are able toconfigure the switch.# A level 3 user sets a switching password for user level 3.<4210> system-view[4210] super password level 3 simple 123# A general user telnets to the switch, and then uses the set password to switch touser level 3.Table 1 Set a password for use level switchingOperation Command RemarksEnter system view system-view -Set the super password foruser level switchingsuper password [level]{cipher | simple} passwordRequiredBy default, the superpassword is not set.Table 2 Switch to a specific user levelOperation Command RemarksSwitch to a specified user level super [ level ] RequiredExecute this command in userview.