3Com NETBuilder®data sheetRouting and VPN Tunneling3Com’s powerful NETBuilder II®routers combine leading-edge tech-nology with a flexible, modulardesign to satisfy your internet-working needs today and in thefuture. The routers integrate bothWAN (Frame Relay, ISDN, leasedlines, and ATM) and LAN(Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, TokenRing, FDDI, and ATM) technolo-gies, delivering the most effectivesolution for LAN/WAN bandwidthmismatch. The platforms supportvirtual private network (VPN)applications for secure remote accessand intranet/extranet connectivity.NETBuilder® feature-rich softwareprovides the flexibility and intelli-gence required to meet today’srapidly changing internetworkingrequirements. It delivers a full set ofprotocols, including IP, IPX,AppleTalk, SNA, Vines, andDECnet. In addition, the value-added functions such as compres-sion, encryption, prioritization, anddisaster recovery provide the mostefficient options to maximize theutilization of WAN connectivity.With its selection of chassis sizes,hot-swappable interface modules,full-featured software packages,and management facilities, theNETBuilder II router providesunsurpassed WAN value.Key Benefits:High performance.Multiprocessing architecture inthe Dual-Processor Engine (DPE)plus module provides addedintelligence by offloading theWAN grooming tasks to thecoprocessor, and adds controlover the WAN links without com-promising packet-processingperformance.Hardware and softwareresiliency for high availability.Dual power supplies, hot swap,hot plug and play, and dual PCCard slots provide the flexibilityand reliability needed formission-critical environments,and disaster recovery featuresprovide quick network recovery,reducing costly downtime.Proven scalability.Boundary Routing® architectureprovides a simple mechanismfor network growth.Legacy support.The comprehensive suite ofprotocols to support IBMcustomers includes DLSwVersion 2, APPN/HPR, SDLC,and BSC.Low cost of ownership.WAN grooming, which includescompression, lowers your WANservice cost, and VPN tech-nology lets you set up acost-saving public IP-basedintranet/extranet infrastructure.NETBuilder II routers providehigh performance, networkavailability, and scalable growth,along with VPN tunneling andsecurity applications to buildsecure remote access, intranets,and extranets. The platformsoffer flexibility with 4-slot, 8-slot,and 8-slot extended chassis thatall accept regular and extendedformat modulesNETBuilder II®Intelligent RoutersScalability, high bandwidth, and port capacity fortoday’s mission-critical networksRR oo uu tt ee rr ss