data sheetUnmanaged and managed Ethernet and Fast Ethernet autosensing hubs and switchesSpecifically designed for smallbusinesses and offices, OfficeConnect®hubs and switches provide cost-conscious businesses with thefoundation of an integrated systemof small-office networking. Byinstalling a local area network (LAN),users can work more effectively withfile and print sharing and reducecosts by sharing expensive resourcessuch as printers.3Com OfficeConnect hubs provideconnectivity for every business need.They are available in a variety of portdensities, from 4 to 16 ports, and stackup to four units high. For the value-conscious user, standard Ethernet hubsare ideal, while Fast Ethernet hubs andswitches provide additional speed forhigh-volume transactions. TheOfficeConnect range features the latest10/100 Mbps autosensing technology,allowing users to migrate to higherspeeds when needed.In addition to the simple LEDs,compact design, and a variety ofother great features, OfficeConnecthubs now ship with the OfficeConnectNetwork Assistant CD-ROM, agraphical step-by-step guide to settingup and using a peer-to-peer network.3Com OfficeConnect hubs andswitches are a core part of theOfficeConnect family, an integratedsystem of products designed to takethe worry out of building and runninga network for a small business. Inaddition to hubs and switches,the OfficeConnect family includesresource sharing, remote access,and Internet connectivity products.Key BenefitsEasy to install and use. Offersplug-and-play simplicity. All hubsship with OfficeConnect NetworkAssistant CD-ROM, a graphicalset-by-step network setup,troubleshooting, and expansionguide.Simple troubleshooting.Diagnostic and Alert LEDs on thefront panel and OfficeConnectNetwork Assistant CD-ROMprovide excellent support.Compact design. Unique formfactor and small size savesvaluable space in small offices.Year 2000 compliant.All OfficeConnect hubs andswitches are ready for theyear 2000 conversion.Lifetime limited warranty.Guarantees OfficeConnect hubsand switches, including thepower adapter, for life.Part of the award-winningOfficeConnect family.As your business grows, youcan add OfficeConnect Internetconnectivity, remote access,and print serving capabilities.The OfficeConnect family is the completenetwork solution for small offices.OfficeConnect Hubsand SwitchesNetworks designedfor the small businessHHuubbss aanndd SSwwiittcchheess