data sheetWAN AccessRRoouutteerrssDesigned to meet today’s networkchallenges and tomorrow’s growth,the SuperStack®II NETBuilder®SI(Secure Internet/Intranet) routersfuture-proof your network, fittinginto any WAN environment andproviding all the functionality youneed for migrating regional andbranch offices to Fast Ethernet andnew WAN services. These platformsensure predictable system perfor-mance and offer industry-leadingflexibility as the only remote devicewith two or four WAN ports, twoLAN ports, and a telco connection.A range of platforms gives you thechoice of an integrated 56/64 KbpsDSU/CSU, FT1/T1 DSU/CSU,ISDN (U and S/T interfaces), plustwo or four serial T1/E1 WANconnections. This provides an easymigration path and comprehensivebackup choices to meet the changingneeds of your network.Security is a big concern for today’ssystem administrators who need toprovide users with information-sharing capabilities and Internetaccess, while maintaining theintegrity of their enterprise networks.The SuperStack II NETBuilder SIrouters provide complete networksecurity with Network AddressTranslation (NAT) for internaladdress security, two 10/100BASE-Tports that segment two LANs fromeach other, and a flexible easy-to-useICSA-certified IP firewall, for secureWAN access to enterprise networksand the Internet.The SuperStack II NETBuilder SIplatforms are part of 3Com’s compre-hensive VPN solutions, offeringsite-to-site connectivity for remoteaccess and client-to-LAN connec-tivity for secure corporate intranetsand extranets. VPNs are supportedthrough tunneling and encryptiontechnologies, Point-to-PointTunneling Protocol (PPTP) andLayer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP),IP Security (IPSec), and MicrosoftPoint-to-Point Encryption (MPPE).Key BenefitsSecurity. An easy-to-use ICSA-certified firewall and NAT providerobust security.VPN ready. Equipped to set up aVPN for secure connectivity overthe Internet, the platforms sup-port industry-standard tunnelingprotocols and encryption.Easy installation. 3Com’s uniqueBoundary Routing ®architecture,Autostartup, and Web Link, theembedded Web-based configura-tion and management tool,provide simple plug-and-playinstallation for remote offices.Cost effective. Full-featured yetaffordable, the routers optimizeWAN bandwidth and reducecharges with Bandwidth Groomingfeatures such as data prioritiza-tion and protocol reservation.Interoperable. Based on industry-accepted standards, the routersare interoperable with virtuallyany vendor’s products.IBM/legacy support. With com-prehensive legacy support, theplatforms function effectively ineven the most complex IBMenterprise networks.The SuperStack II NETBuilder SI5xx series (upper device pictured)and 4xx series (lower devicepictured) routers deliver today’sbest overall WAN value with all thefeatures and functionality you needfor secure VPNs and an affordable,complete remote office solution.NETBuilder®SI RoutersSecure, flexible WAN access for enterprise networks3Com®SuperStack®II