2-Port ISDN S/T SIC 19Figure 16 V.35 DTE CableFigure 17 V.35 DCE CableTo avoid damage to the equipment and ports, do not insert or unplug the serialcables when the router is powered on.To connect the cable to the 1-Port Serial SIC:1 Power off the router2 Insert the DB-50 connector of the synchronous/asynchronous serial port cable intothe DB-50 port on the 1-Port Serial SIC.3 Connect the other end of the serial interface cable to one of the following devices:■ A CSU/DSU if the WAN is a leased line.■ The serial port of the analog modem if the WAN is a dialing line.4 Power on the router, and check the corresponding LED on the front panel of therouter. If the LED is green, the SIC passed the POST and can operate normally. Ifthe LED is OFF, the SIC failed the POST. In this case, contact your Servicerepresentative.5 Check the status of the LINK LED on the 1-Port Serial SIC panel. If the LINK LED isgreen, the link is connected. If the LINK LED is OFF, the link is not connected. Inthis case, check the cable and its connections.2-Port ISDN S/T SIC The main functions of the 2-port ISDN S/T SIC are to transmit and process the ISDNBRI S/T data stream on 2 channels. The 2-port ISDN S/T SIC has both dialing andleased line operating modes.2-port ISDN U SIC The main functions of the 2-port ISDN U SIC are to transmit and process 2channels of ISDN BRI U data stream.The 2-port ISDN U SIC has both dialing and leased line operating modes.Enlarged A side Enlarged B sideDB50 MaleV.35 MaleLabelEnlarged A side DB50 MaleV.35 FemaleLabel Enlarged B side