64 CHAPTER 7: T ROUBLESHOOTINGDisplays IllegibleCharacters AfterPOSTFault:After the POST of the router, the console terminal displays illegible characters.Troubleshooting:Verify whether the terminal (e.g., the HyperTerminal) parameter settings are as follows:Baud rate: 9600, Data bits: 8, Stop bit: 1, Parity: None, Flow control: None and Terminalemulation: VT100 If the parameter settings differ from the above values, pleasereconfigure.Troubleshooting ofSDRAMNothing DisplaysAfter POSTFault:After the POST of the router, despite the normal power system (the POWER LED is ON)and proper connection of the console cable, there is no display on the console terminal.Troubleshooting:If you are sure that the power system and configuration system have no faults, pleasecontact the agent of 3Com Corporation Co., Ltd. With his consent, open the chassis tocheck whether the SDRAM has become loose. If that is the case, you may remove andreinstall the SDRAM. For the operation method, please refer to Section 6.2 “HardwareMaintenance” in this manual.Repeated Reboots Fault 1:After the information “Now testing memory...” appears, the system restarts repeatedly.Fault 2:After displaying the information “System now is Starting ...”, the system restartsrepeatedly, and sometimes gives a prompt message “Copied program error”.Troubleshooting:Generally, such faults are caused by the damage to SDRAM. If the SDRAM is seriouslydamaged, the problem will be found while testing the memory, and the system willreboot. If the SDRAM is slightly damaged, the problem will be found during the processof system starting, and the system will reboot, giving the prompt message “Copiedprogram error”.You can decide whether the SDRAM has fault by checking the LED status of the router.During the router’s POST, the SLOT1 to 3 LEDs and SERIAL0 LED will be ON first. In thiscase, if the SLOT1 and SLOT2 LEDs light, it can be concluded that the SDRAM test hasfailed.If the SDRAM is damaged, replace it with a new one (before opening the chassis, pleasecontact the agent of 3Com Corporation Co, Ltd. and get his permission to continue withthe operation). For the operation method, please refer to Section 6.2 “Maintain theHardware” in this manual.