28 CHAPTER 4: INSTALLATION OF THE ROUTERConnecting Routerto the LANIntroduction to the Ethernet Interface3Com 5000 Routers provide fixed 100BASE-TX FE interface(s). For the interfaceattributes, refer to Table 14.Ethernet MDI (Media Dependent Interface) is the typical Ethernet interface on ordinarynetwork cards. MDIX is crossover media-dependent interface, which is generally used onHubs or LAN switches.Ethernet Cable100BASE-TX Ethernet interface usually uses Category-5 twisted pair as shown in thefollowing figure:Figure 16 Ethernet cable assemblyThe Ethernet cables are classified into straight-through cable and crossover cable. Theyare introduced respectively as follows:■ The wire sequences of the twisted pair cable crimped by the RJ45 connectors at bothends of the cable are totally the same. It is used to connect the terminal equipment,such as PCs and routers to HUBs or LAN Switches.■ The wire sequences of the twisted pair wires crimped by the RJ45 connectors at bothends of the cable are different. It is used to connect the terminal equipment (such asPCs) to the terminal equipment (such as PCs). If needed, you can make such cablesyourself.CAUTION: When making the cable, use the shielded cable to ensure EMC(Electromagnetic Compatibility).Connection of the Ethernet CableCAUTION:■ Prior to connection, please identify the mark on the interface in order to plugcorrectly.■ While connecting the Ethernet cable to a LAN Switch, plug the cable into the10/100BASE-T interface marked with MDIX.Table 14 Attributes of the Ethernet interfaceAttribute DescriptionConnector RJ45Interface MDIOperating mode 10/100Mbps auto-sensingFull duplex/half duplex