3Com Router 5232 13SDRAM (synchronous dynamic random-access memory): As the primary memory, storesdata for communication with CPU during system operation.Flash memory: As the primary file storage media, stores application programs, anomalyinformation, configuration file.Boot ROM: Stores Bootstrap program.3Com Router 5232Appearance Figure 3 Front view of 3Com Router 5232Figure 4 Rear view of 3Com Router 5232Panel LEDs 10 LEDs are provided on the 3Com Router 5232. Their meaning is explained in thefollowing table:1) POWER 2) SYSTEM3) AUX 4) CON5) SLOT1~3 (READY/ACTIVE) 6) LAN (READY/ACTIVE)1) Power switch 2) Power socket3) Grounding screw 4) Fixed LAN interface (LAN0)5) Fixed WAN interface (WAN0) 6) MIM SLOT17) MIM SLOT2 8) MIM SLOT3Table 4 LEDs of 3Com Router 5232LED IndicationPOWER System power LED: OFF means power is off, ON means power is on.SYSTEM Hardware status LED: Blinking means the system runs normally. ON/OFF meansthe system is abnormal.READY Module status LED: ON means the module in corresponding slot runs normally.OFF means the module runs abnormally or no module is installed.