Recording DISA using terminal and protocol XmodemRecording DISA announcementRun the terminal programme supporting the protocol Xmodem anduse it to connect up with VoiceBlue.• Using the AT order at!m#=write, where instead of # fill in thenumber of the announcement which is meant to be loaded intoVoiceBlue. The value “0” is designated for the announcementDISA, the numbers of the other announcements are givenin chapter 6.4.• After the insertion of an order you will be called upon to selectan audio file which is to be loaded into VoiceBlue.• Successful loading is announced by a messageLoading DISA announcement• Run the terminal programme supporting the protocol Xmodemand use it to connect up with VoiceBlue• Using the AT order at!m#=read, where instead of # fill in thenumber of the announcement which is meant to be loaded intoVoiceBlue. The value “0” is designated for the announcementDISA, the numbers of the other announcements are givenin chapter 6.4.• After the insertion of an order you will be called upon to selectthe name of the audio file under which the announcement fromVoiceBlue is to be filed.Deleting DISA announcementsYou can gain information about a loaded DISA announcementusing the AT order at!m0=view. To delete a DISA announcement,enter the order at!m0=erese in the terminal window.54VoIPon Tel: +44 (0)1245 808195 Fax: +44 (0)1245 808299