10.3. Entering licenses to XAPI serverStart the following configuration only if the XAPI sever wascorrectly configured and communicates with the gateway. Forconfiguration of XAPI server see sub. 10.2.It is needed to enter valid license code to XAPI to activate VoiceCallback centre. License is generated by 2N according to requestservice and serial number of gateway.To find out what serial number gateway has, start terminal inconfiguration program or HyperTerminal. Connect to the gateway.Make sure, that the selected COM port, which you try to open andconnect to the gateway, is not the same as the COM port, which isopened for communication with XAPI server. Type command:“ati4”. The gateway answers serial number (SNumber), MACaddress (MacAdr), enabled protocols (Enabled) and limit. Copythe serial number (M113-aaabbbcccd) and send it to 2N technicalsupport.Answer from 2N should contain these keys:Id=xxxx-yyyy Key=aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddClick “Licenses“ button and after that in License window click“Set License“.Fig. 62 - Entering the licenceIt is not possible to enter license when the gateway is notconnected to the XAPI server (response is BAD LICENCE!)104VoIPon www.voipon.co.uk sales@voipon.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1245 808195 Fax: +44 (0)1245 808299