
Cisco Nexus 7000 Series manuals

Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: IP Phone
Table of contents
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Recording Equipment
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. new and changed information
  10. document organization
  11. document conventions
  12. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  13. Information About Interfaces
  14. Chapter 1 Overview
  15. Management Interface
  16. Port-Channel Interfaces
  17. Virtualization Interfaces
  18. Information About the Basic Interface Parameters
  19. C H A P T E R 2 Configuring Basic Interface Parameters
  20. Rate Mode
  21. Flow Control
  22. Port MTU Size
  23. Bandwidth
  24. Carrier Delay
  25. Time Domain Reflectometry Cable Diagnostics
  26. Guidelines and Limitations
  27. Default Settings
  28. Specifying the Interfaces to Configure
  29. Configuring the Description
  30. Configuring the Beacon Mode
  31. Changing the Bandwidth-Rate Mode
  32. Configuring the Error-Disabled State
  33. Configuring the MDIX Parameter
  34. Configuring the Debounce Timer
  35. Configuring the Interface Speed and Duplex Mode
  36. Configuring the Flow Control
  37. Configuring the MTU Size
  38. Configuring the Bandwidth
  39. Configuring the Throughput Delay
  40. Shutting Down and Activating the Interface
  41. Configuring the UDLD Mode
  42. Configuring the Carrier Delay Timer
  43. Configuring Port Profiles
  44. Performing TDR Cable Diagnostics
  45. Configuring Rate Limits for Packets that Reach the Supervisor
  46. Verifying the Basic Interface Parameters
  47. Clearing Interface Counters
  48. Related Documents
  49. configuring layer 2 interfaces
  50. Chapter 3 Configuring Layer 2 Interface
  51. Information About Access and Trunk Interfaces
  52. IEEE 802.1Q Encapsulation
  53. Access VLANs
  54. Native VLAN IDs for Trunk Ports
  55. High Availability
  56. Licensing Requirements for Layer 2 Port Modes
  57. Configuring Access and Trunk Interfaces
  58. Guidelines for Configuring Access and Trunk Interfaces
  59. Configuring Access Host Ports
  60. Configuring Trunk Ports
  61. Configuring the Native VLAN for 802.1Q Trunking Ports
  62. Configuring the Allowed VLANs for Trunking Ports
  63. Configuring a Default Interface
  64. Configuring SVI Autostate Exclude
  65. Configuring the Device to Tag Native VLAN Traffic
  66. Changing the System Default Port Mode to Layer 2
  67. Verifying the Interface Configuration
  68. Monitoring the Layer 2 Interfaces
  69. Additional References
  70. MIBs
  71. Information About Layer 3 Interfaces
  72. Chapter 4 Configuring Layer 3 Interface
  73. VLAN Interfaces
  74. Loopback Interfaces
  75. Virtualization Support
  76. Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
  77. Configuring a Subinterface
  78. Configuring the Bandwidth on an Interface
  79. Configuring a VLAN interface
  80. Configuring Inband Management in the Nexus Chassis
  81. Configuring a Loopback Interface
  82. Assigning an Interface to a VRF
  83. Verifying the Layer 3 Interfaces Configuration
  84. Monitoring Layer 3 Interfaces
  85. Configuration Examples for Layer 3 Interfaces
  86. Standards
  87. Information About BFD
  88. C H A P T E R 5 Configuring Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
  89. Distributed Operation
  90. Security
  91. Configuring BFD
  92. Configuration Hierarchy
  93. Configuring Global BFD Parameters
  94. Configuring BFD on an Interface
  95. Configuring BFD on a Port Channel
  96. Configuring BFD Echo Function
  97. Optimizing BFD on Subinterfaces
  98. Configuring BFD Support for Routing Protocols
  99. Verifying the BFD Configuration
  100. Configuration Examples for BFD
  101. RFCs
  102. Information About Port Channels
  103. Chapter 6 Configuring Port Channel
  104. Basic Settings
  105. Compatibility Requirements
  106. Load Balancing Using Port Channels
  107. LACP
  108. Licensing Requirements for Port Channeling
  109. Configuring Port Channels
  110. Creating a Port Channel
  111. Adding a Layer 2 Port to a Port Channel
  112. Adding a Layer 3 Port to a Port Channel
  113. Configuring the Bandwidth and Delay for Informational Purposes
  114. Shutting Down and Restarting the Port-Channel Interface
  115. Configuring a Port-Channel Description
  116. Configuring the Speed and Duplex Settings for a Port-Channel Interface
  117. Configuring Flow Control
  118. Configuring Load Balancing Using Port Channels
  119. Enabling LACP
  120. Configuring LACP Port-Channel Port Modes
  121. Configuring LACP Port-Channel MinLinks
  122. Configuring the LACP Port-Channel MaxBundle
  123. Configuring the LACP Fast Timer Rate
  124. Configuring the LACP Port Priority
  125. Disabling LACP Graceful Convergence
  126. Reenabling lacp graceful convergence
  127. Disabling LACP Suspend Individual
  128. Reenabling LACP Suspend Individual
  129. Verifying the Port-Channel Configuration
  130. Monitoring the Port-Channel Interface Configuration
  131. Feature History for Configuring Port Channels
  132. configuring vpcs
  133. Chapter 7 Configuring vPC
  134. vPC Terminology
  135. vPC Peer Links
  136. Peer-Keepalive Link and Messages
  137. vPC Peer-Gateway
  138. vPC Domain
  139. vPC Topology
  140. Compatibility Parameters for vPC Interfaces
  141. vPC Number
  142. Configuring vPC Peer Links and Links to the Core on a Single Module
  143. vPC Interactions with Other Features
  144. vPC Recovery After an Outage
  145. Licensing Requirements for vPCs
  146. Configuring vPCs
  147. Enabling vPCs
  148. Disabling vPCs
  149. Creating a vPC Domain and Entering the vpc-domain Mode
  150. Configuring the vPC Keepalive Link and Messages
  151. Creating the vPC Peer Link
  152. Configuring the vPC Peer-Gateway
  153. Configuring a Graceful Consistency Check
  154. Checking the Configuration Compatibility on a vPC Peer Link
  155. Moving Other Port Channels into a vPC
  156. Manually Configuring a vPC Domain MAC Address
  157. Manually Configuring the System Priority
  158. Manually Configuring the vPC Peer Device Role
  159. Configuring the Tracking Feature on a Single-Module vPC
  160. Configuring for Recovery After an Outage
  161. Configuring the Suspension of Orphan Ports
  162. Configuring the vPC Peer Switch
  163. Verifying the vPC Configuration
  164. Monitoring vPCs
  165. Feature History for Configuring vPCs
  166. Information About IP Tunnels
  167. Chapter 8 Configuring IP Tunnel
  168. Path MTU Discovery
  169. Prerequisites for IP Tunnels
  170. Enabling Tunneling
  171. Configuring a GRE Tunnel
  172. Enabling Path MTU Discovery
  173. Verifying the IP Tunnel Configuration
  174. Feature History for Configuring IP Tunnels
  175. Information About Q-in-Q Tunnels
  176. Chapter 9 Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnel
  177. Information About Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling
  178. Licensing Requirements for Q-in-Q Tunnels
  179. Creating a 802.1Q Tunnel Port
  180. Changing the EtherType for Q-in-Q
  181. Enabling the Layer 2 Protocol Tunnel
  182. Configuring Global CoS for L2 Protocol Tunnel Ports
  183. Configuring the Rate Limit for Layer 2 Protocol Tunnel Ports
  184. Configuring Thresholds for Layer 2 Protocol Tunnel Ports
  185. Verifying the Q-in-Q Configuration
  186. Feature History for Q-in-Q Tunnels and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Switch LEDs D
  10. document conventions
  11. related documentation
  12. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series
  13. Chapter 1 Overview
  14. Cisco Nexus 7009 Switch
  15. Cisco Nexus 7010 System
  16. Cisco Nexus 7018 System
  17. Preparing the Site
  18. Safety Guidelines
  19. Managing the System Hardware
  20. Preparing to Install the Switch
  21. Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexu 7004 Chassi
  22. Unpacking and Inspecting a New Switch
  23. Installing the Chassis
  24. Installing the Center-Mount Brackets
  25. Installing the Chassis in a Rack
  26. Grounding the Cisco Nexus 7004 Chassis
  27. Connecting Your ESD Wrist Strap to the Chassis
  28. Installing USB Storage Media in a Supervisor 2 or 2E Module
  29. Installing the Air Filter
  30. Required Tools
  31. Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexu 7009 Chassi
  32. Installing the Bottom-Support Rails on the Rack
  33. Prerequisites for Attaching the Bottom-Support Rails
  34. Attaching the Front-Mount Bottom-Support Rails
  35. Attaching the Center-Mount Bottom-Support Rails
  36. Prerequisites for Installing the Chassis
  37. Required Tools and Equipment
  38. Mounting the Chassis by its Front Brackets
  39. Mounting the Chassis by its Center Brackets
  40. Grounding the Cisco Nexus 7009 Chassis
  41. Prerequisites for Grounding the Chassis
  42. Installing the Cable Management Frames
  43. Installing the Front Door and Air Intake Frame
  44. Installing Storage Media in a Supervisor Module
  45. Chapter 4 Installing a Cisco Nexu 7010 Chassi
  46. Attaching the Bottom-Support Rails
  47. Grounding the Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis
  48. Connecting the System Ground
  49. Installing the Front Doors and Frame Assembly
  50. Unpacking and Inspecting a New Chassis
  51. unpacking and inspecting a new chassis
  52. Installing the Cable Management Frame
  53. Chapter 6 Installing Power Supplie
  54. Connecting an AC Power Supply to AC Power Sources
  55. Prerequisites for Connecting AC Power Supplies to AC Power Sources
  56. Connecting a 6-kW AC Power Supply to AC Power Sources
  57. Connecting a 7.5-kW AC Power Supply to AC Power Sources
  58. Connecting a DC Power Supply to DC Power Sources
  59. Connecting a DC Power Supply Directly to DC Power Sources
  60. Connecting a 3-kW DC Power Supply Directly to DC Power Sources
  61. Connecting a 6-kW DC Power Supply to a DC Power Source
  62. Connecting a Power Supply to DC Power Sources through a Power Interface Unit
  63. Installing the PIU in a Rack
  64. Grounding the PIU
  65. Connecting the DC Power Supply to a Power Source Through a PIU
  66. Preparing for Connections
  67. C H A P T E R 7 Connecting the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switch to the Network
  68. Creating an Initial Switch Configuration
  69. Setting Up the Management Interface
  70. Connecting the Supervisor CMP Port
  71. Connecting an I/O Module
  72. Connecting or Disconnecting a 1000BASE-T Port
  73. Connecting a 1000BASE-T Port to the Network
  74. Installing a Transceiver
  75. Connecting a Fiber-Optic Cable to a Transceiver
  76. Maintaining Transceivers and Fiber-Optic Cables
  77. Displaying the Switch Hardware Inventory
  78. Displaying the Switch Serial Number
  79. Displaying Power Usage Information
  80. Power Supply Configuration Modes
  81. Configuring the Power Supply Mode
  82. Power Supply Configuration Guidelines
  83. Information About Modules
  84. I/O Modules
  85. Fabric Modules
  86. Checking the State of a Module
  87. Specifying the Boot Up Order for I/O modules
  88. Connecting to a Module
  89. Shutting Down a Fabric Module
  90. Shutting Down an I/O Module
  91. Information About Module Temperature
  92. Displaying the Module Temperature
  93. Displaying Environment Information
  94. Reloading Modules
  95. Saving the Module Configuration
  96. Information About Fan Trays
  97. Configuring EPLDs
  98. Deciding When to Upgrade EPLDs
  99. Switch Requirements
  100. Determining Whether to Upgrade EPLDs
  101. Downloading the EPLD Images
  102. EPLD Images Needed for vPCs
  103. EPLD Images Needed for LISP
  104. Installation Guidelines
  105. Epld upgrade commands table
  106. Automatic Upgrading of EPLD Images for I/O Modules
  107. Verifying Automatic Upgrades of EPLD Images
  108. Verifying the EPLD Upgrades
  109. Displaying the Status of EPLD Upgrades
  110. Getting Started
  111. Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
  112. Troubleshooting a DC Power Supply Unit
  113. Troubleshooting the Supervisor Modules
  114. Troubleshooting the Fabric Modules
  115. Troubleshooting the I/O Modules
  116. Contacting Customer Service
  117. C H A P T E R 10 Installing or Replacing Components
  118. Removing a 3-kW AC Power Supply Unit During Operations
  119. Removing an 6-kW or 7.5-kW AC Power Supply Unit During Operations
  120. Installing a 6-kW or 7.5-kW AC Power Supply Unit During Operations
  121. Replacing a DC Power Supply Unit During Operations
  122. Installing a 3-kW DC Power Supply Unit During Operations
  123. Removing a 6-kW DC Power Supply Unit During Operations
  124. Installing a 6-kW DC Power Supply Unit During Operations
  125. Replacing a Supervisor Module
  126. Replacing a Redundant Supervisor Module During System Operations
  127. Replacing a Supervisor Module in a Single-Supervisor System
  128. Replacing Supervisor 1 Modules with Supervisor 2 or Supervisor 2E Modules
  129. Replacing Supervisor 2 Modules with Supervisor 2E Modules
  130. Upgrading Memory for Supervisor 1 Modules
  131. Adding 4 GB of Memory to a Supervisor Module
  132. Removing 4 GB of Memory from a Supervisor Module
  133. Installing an I/O Module
  134. Installing a NAM Module
  135. Required Tools for Installing a NAM
  136. Installing the Cisco Prime NAM Software
  137. Configuring the NAM
  138. Configuring a SPAN Session for a Data Port
  139. Configuring a SPAN Session for a Port Channel
  140. Specifying the NAM IP Configuration and Enabling the Web Server
  141. Upgrading the Cisco Prime NAM software
  142. Replacing or Upgrading a Cisco Nexus 7010 or 7018 Fabric Module During Operations
  143. Upgrading Fabric 1 Modules with Fabric 2 Modules
  144. Replacing the Cisco Nexus 7004 Fan Tray During Operations
  145. Replacing a Cisco Nexus 7009 Fan Tray During Operations
  146. Replacing a Cisco Nexus 7010 System Fan Tray During Operations
  147. Replacing a Cisco Nexus 7010 System Fan Tray
  148. Replacing a Cisco Nexus 7010 Fabric Fan Tray
  149. Replacing Storage Media for a Supervisor Module
  150. Replacing the Cable Management Frames on the Cisco Nexus 7004 Chassis
  151. Installing the Cable Management Frames on the Cisco Nexus 7004 Chassis
  152. Replacing the Front Doors and Frame Assembly on the Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis
  153. Replacing the Cable Management Frame on the Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassis
  154. Installing a Cable Management Frame
  155. Replacing the Front Door and Air Intake Assemblies on the Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassis
  156. Removing the Front Door and Air Intake Assemblies
  157. Installing a Front Door and Air Intake Assemblies
  158. Replacing the Air Filter on the Cisco Nexus 7004 Chassis
  159. Environmental Specifications for the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Systems
  160. Appendix A Technical Specification
  161. Power Specifications for the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switches
  162. Power Supply Cable Specifications
  163. Chassis Clearances
  164. Cisco Nexus 7009 Chassis Clearances
  165. Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis Clearances
  166. Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassis Clearances
  167. Facility Cooling Requirements
  168. Chassis Airflow
  169. Gigabit CFP Transceivers
  170. A P P E N D I X B Transceivers and Module Connectors
  171. Gigabit QSFP Transceivers
  172. Gigabit SFP+ Transceivers and Fabric Extender Transceivers
  173. BASE-DWDM SFP+ Transceivers
  174. GBASE-X X2 Transceivers
  175. GBASE-DWDM X2 Transceivers
  176. Gigabit SFP Transceivers
  177. BASE-CWDM SFP Transceiver Cables
  178. BASE-T and 1000BASE-X SFP Transceivers
  179. RJ-45 Module Connectors
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Software
Table of contents
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. document conventions
  8. related documentation
  9. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  10. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series
  11. Chapter 1 Overview
  12. Cisco Nexus 7018 System
  13. Preparing the Site
  14. Safety Guidelines
  15. Replacing Components
  16. Preparing to Install the Device
  17. Installing a Four-Post Rack or Cabinet
  18. Installing the Bottom-Support Rails on the Rack
  19. Prerequisites for Attaching the Bottom-Support Rails
  20. Installing the Chassis
  21. Prerequisites for Grounding the Chassis
  22. Connecting the System Ground
  23. Connecting Your ESD Strap to the Chassis
  24. installing and formatting compactflash cards
  25. Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexu 7010 Chassi
  26. Required Tools
  27. Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexu 7018 Chassi
  28. Attaching the Bottom-Support Rails
  29. Required Tools and Equipment
  30. Prerequisites for Installing the Chassis
  31. installing the front door and air intake frame
  32. Installing and Formatting CompactFlash Cards
  33. Grounding the Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis
  34. Chapter 4 Installing Power Supply Unit
  35. Connecting 6-kW Power Supply Units
  36. Preparing for Connections
  37. C H A P T E R 5 Connecting the Cisco Nexus 7000 Device to the Network
  38. Creating an Initial Device Configuration
  39. Setting Up the Management Interface
  40. Connecting the Supervisor CMP Port
  41. Connecting or Disconnecting a 1000Base-T Port
  42. Installing a Transceiver
  43. Connecting a Fiber-Optic Cable with a Transceiver
  44. Maintaining Transceivers and Fiber-Optic Cables
  45. Displaying the Device Hardware Inventory
  46. Chapter 6 Managing the Device Hardware
  47. Displaying the Device Serial Number
  48. Displaying Power Usage Information
  49. Power Supply Configuration Modes
  50. Power Supply Configuration Guidelines
  51. Information About Modules
  52. I/O Modules
  53. Checking the State of a Module
  54. Connecting to a Module
  55. Shutting Down a Supervisor or I/O Module
  56. Displaying Module Temperature
  57. Displaying Environment Information
  58. Reloading Modules
  59. Reloading the Device
  60. Purging the Module Configuration
  61. Information About Fan Trays
  62. EPLD Configuration
  63. Supported Device Hardware
  64. Installation Guidelines
  65. Preparing the EPLD Images for Installation
  66. Upgrading EPLD Images
  67. Upgrading the EPLD Images for I/O or Standby Supervisor Modules
  68. Upgrading EPLDs for the Active Supervisor Module
  69. Upgrading EPLDs for a Fabric Module
  70. Upgrading EPLDs for a Fan Tray Module
  71. Displaying the EPLD Versions
  72. Displaying EPLD Versions for a Fabric Module
  73. Default Settings
  74. Getting Started
  75. Chapter 7 Troubleshooting
  76. Troubleshooting the Fan Trays
  77. Troubleshooting the Fabric Modules
  78. Troubleshooting the I/O Modules
  79. Contacting Customer Service
  80. Replacing a Power Supply Unit During Operations
  81. C H A P T E R 8 Removal and Installation Procedures
  82. Replacing a Supervisor Module
  83. Replacing a Supervisor Module in a Single-Supervisor System
  84. Replacing an I/O Module
  85. Replacing a Fabric Module During System Operations
  86. Replacing a Cisco Nexus 7010 System Fan Tray During System Operations
  87. Replacing a Cisco Nexus 7010 Fabric Fan Tray
  88. Replacing a CompactFlash Card
  89. Installing the Front Doors and Frame Assembly
  90. Replacing the Cisco Nexus 7010 System Air Filter
  91. Environmental Specifications for the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Systems
  92. Appendix A Technical Specification
  93. Power Specifications for the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Devices
  94. Power Supply Cable Specifications
  95. Chassis Clearances
  96. Facility Cooling Requirements
  97. cable and port specifications
  98. Appendix B Cable and Port Specification
  99. SFP+ Transceivers
  100. Appendix C Chassi and Module LED
  101. Disconnecting the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series System
  102. A P P E N D I X D Repacking the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Device for Shipment
  103. Repacking the Cisco Nexus 7010 Device
  104. Site Preparation Checklist
  105. Contact and Site Information
  106. A P P E N D I X E Site Preparation and Maintenance Records
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Table Of Contents
  17. Table Of Contents
  18. Table Of Contents
  19. Table Of Contents
  20. Table Of Contents
  21. Table Of Contents
  22. new and changed information
  23. document conventions
  24. related documentation
  25. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  26. Overview
  27. Routing Fundamentals
  28. Routing Metrics
  29. Path Length
  30. Router IDs
  31. Convergence
  32. Administrative Distance
  33. Routing Algorithms
  34. Distance Vector Protocols
  35. Layer 3 Virtualization
  36. Unicast RIB
  37. Unicast Forwarding Distribution Module
  38. Summary of Layer 3 Unicast Routing Features
  39. EIGRP
  40. Information About IPv4
  41. Multiple IPv4 Addresses
  42. ARP Caching
  43. Devices that do not use ARP
  44. Proxy ARP
  45. Virtualization Support
  46. Configuring IPv4 Addressing
  47. Configuring Multiple IP Addresses
  48. Configuring a Static ARP Entry
  49. Configuring Proxy ARP
  50. Configuring Local Proxy ARP
  51. Configuring Gratuitous ARP
  52. Configuring IP Packet Verification
  53. Configuring IP Directed Broadcasts
  54. Verifying the IPv4 Configuration
  55. Related Documents
  56. Information About IPv6
  57. IPv6 Address Formats
  58. IPv6 Unicast Addresses
  59. Link-Local Addresses
  60. Unique Local Addresses
  61. Site-Local Address
  62. IPv4 Packet Header
  63. DNS for IPv6
  64. IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
  65. IPv6 Router Advertisement Message
  66. IPv6 Neighbor Redirect Message
  67. Licensing Requirements for IPv6
  68. Configuring IPv6 Addressing
  69. Configuring IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
  70. Optional IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
  71. Configuring IPv6 Packet Verification
  72. Verifying the IPv6 Configuration
  73. Configuring DNS
  74. Name Servers
  75. Prerequisites for DNS Clients
  76. Configuring Virtualization
  77. Verifying the DNS Client Configuration
  78. Additional References
  79. Information About WCCPv2
  80. WCCPv2 Overview
  81. Service Group Lists
  82. WCCPv2 Designated Cache Engine
  83. WCCPv2 Authentication
  84. High Availability for WCCPv2
  85. Configuring WCCPv2
  86. Configuring a WCCPv2 Service Group
  87. Applying WCCPv2 Redirection to an Interface
  88. Configuring WCCPv2 in a VRF
  89. Verifying WCCPv2 Configuration
  90. Default Settings
  91. Information About OSPFv2
  92. Hello Packet
  93. Adjacency
  94. Areas
  95. Link-State Advertisements
  96. Link Cost
  97. Link-State Database
  98. Simple Password Authentication
  99. Not-So-Stubby Area
  100. Route Redistribution
  101. High Availability and Graceful Restart
  102. OSPFv2 Stub Router Advertisements
  103. Prerequisites for OSPFv2
  104. Enabling the OSPFv2 Feature
  105. Creating an OSPFv2 Instance
  106. Configuring Optional Parameters on an OSPFv2 Instance
  107. Configuring Networks in OSPFv2
  108. Configuring Authentication for an Area
  109. Configuring Authentication for an Interface
  110. Configuring Advanced OSPFv2
  111. Configuring Stub Areas
  112. Configuring a Totally Stubby Area
  113. Configuring NSSA
  114. Configuring Virtual Links
  115. Configuring Redistribution
  116. Limiting the Number of Redistributed Routes
  117. Configuring Route Summarization
  118. Configuring Stub Route Advertisements
  119. Modifying the Default Timers
  120. Configuring Graceful Restart
  121. Restarting an OSPFv2 Instance
  122. Configuring OSPFv2 with Virtualization
  123. Verifying the OSPFv2 Configuration
  124. Displaying OSPFv2 Statistics
  125. Information About OSPFv3
  126. Comparison of OSPFv3 and OSPFv2
  127. Neighbors
  128. Designated Routers
  129. LSA Types
  130. Flooding and LSA Group Pacing
  131. OSPFv3 and the IPv6 Unicast RIB
  132. Stub Area
  133. Virtual Links
  134. Multiple OSPFv3 Instances
  135. Configuration Guidelines and Limitations
  136. Creating an OSPFv3 Instance
  137. Configuring Networks in OSPFv3
  138. Configuring Advanced OSPFv3
  139. Configuring Filter Lists for Border Routers
  140. Configuring Multi-Area Adjacency
  141. Restarting an OSPFv3 Instance
  142. Configuring OSPFv3 with Virtualization
  143. Verifying OSPFv3 Configuration
  144. OSPFv3 Example Configuration
  145. Information About EIGRP
  146. Chapter 8 Configuring EIGRP
  147. Diffusing Update Algorithm
  148. External Route Metrics
  149. Address Families
  150. Stub Routers
  151. Split Horizon
  152. Licensing Requirements for EIGRP
  153. Creating an EIGRP Instance
  154. Restarting an EIGRP Instance
  155. Shutting Down an EIGRP Instance
  156. Shutting Down EIGRP on an Interface
  157. Configuring EIGRP Stub Routing
  158. Redistributing Routes into EIGRP
  159. Configuring Load Balancing in EIGRP
  160. Configuring Graceful Restart for EIGRP
  161. Adjusting the Interval Between Hello Packets and the Hold Time
  162. Tuning EIGRP
  163. Configuring Virtualization for EIGRP
  164. Verifying EIGRP Configuration
  165. Related Topics
  166. Information about IS-IS
  167. Chapter 9 Configuring I-I
  168. NET and System ID
  169. Mesh Groups
  170. Licensing Requirements for IS-IS
  171. IS-IS Configuration Modes
  172. Creating an IS-IS Instance
  173. Restarting an IS-IS Instance
  174. Shutting Down IS-IS
  175. Shutdown IS-IS on an Interface
  176. Configuring IS-IS Authentication on an Interface
  177. Configuring a Mesh Group
  178. Configuring the Attached Bit
  179. Configuring a Graceful Restart
  180. Tuning IS-IS
  181. Verifying IS-IS Configuration
  182. Displaying IS-IS Statistics
  183. Information About Basic BGP
  184. Chapter 10 Configuring Basic BGP
  185. BGP Peers
  186. BGP Router Identifier
  187. Step 2—Determining the Order of Comparisons
  188. BGP and the Unicast RIB
  189. Guidelines and Limitations for BGP
  190. Address Family Configuration Mode
  191. Neighbor Address Family Configuration Mode
  192. Creating a BGP Instance
  193. Restarting a BGP Instance
  194. Configuring BGP Peers
  195. Configuring Dynamic AS Numbers for Prefix Peers
  196. Clearing BGP Information
  197. Verifying Basic BGP Configuration
  198. Displaying BGP Statistics
  199. Where to Go Next
  200. Information About Advanced BGP
  201. Chapter 11 Configuring Advanced BGP
  202. Route Policies and Resetting BGP Sessions
  203. AS Confederations
  204. Route Reflector
  205. Capabilities Negotiation
  206. Load Sharing and Multipath
  207. BGP Conditional Advertisement
  208. Graceful Restart and High Availability
  209. ISSU
  210. Prerequisites for BGP
  211. Configuring Advanced BGP
  212. Configuring BGP Peer-Policy Templates
  213. Configuring BGP Peer Templates
  214. Configuring Prefix Peering
  215. Resetting a BGP Session
  216. Configuring BGP Next-Hop Address Tracking
  217. Disabling Capabilities Negotiation
  218. Configuring eBGP Multihop
  219. Configuring Route Reflector
  220. Configuring Route Dampening
  221. Configuring Load Sharing and ECMP
  222. Configuring Aggregate Addresses
  223. Configuring Route Redistribution
  224. Configuring Multiprotocol BGP
  225. Tuning BGP
  226. Verifying Advanced BGP Configuration
  227. Information About RIP
  228. RIP Overview
  229. Chapter 12 Configuring RIP
  230. Load Balancing
  231. Configuring RIP
  232. Creating a RIP Instance
  233. Restarting a RIP Instance
  234. Configuring RIP Authentication
  235. Configuring a Passive Interface
  236. Configuring Split Horizon with Poison Reverse
  237. Tuning RIP
  238. Verifying RIP Configuration
  239. RIP Example Configuration
  240. Configuring Static Routing
  241. Remote Next Hops for Static Routes
  242. Configuring a Static Route
  243. Verifying Static Routing Configuration
  244. Configuring Layer 3 Virtualization
  245. VRF and Routing
  246. Reachability
  247. Combining Reachability and Filtering
  248. Prerequisites for VRF
  249. Assigning VRF Membership to an Interface
  250. Configuring VRF Parameters for a Routing Protocol
  251. Configuring a VRF-Aware Service
  252. Setting the VRF Scope
  253. Verifying VRF Configuration
  254. Information About the Unicast RIB and FIB
  255. Layer 3 Consistency Checker
  256. Chapter 15 Managing the Unicast RIB and FIB
  257. Managing the Unicast RIB and FIB
  258. Configuring Load Sharing in the Unicast FIB
  259. Configuring Per-Packet Load Sharing
  260. Displaying Routing and Adjacency Information
  261. Triggering the Layer 3 Consistency Checker
  262. Clearing Forwarding Information in the FIB
  263. Returning the TCAM to Default Settings
  264. Estimating Memory Requirements for Routes
  265. Clearing Routes in the Unicast RIB
  266. Information About Route Policy Manager
  267. C H A P T E R 16 Configuring Route Policy Manager
  268. Set Changes
  269. Community Lists for BGP
  270. Policy-Based Routing
  271. Configuring Route Policy Manager
  272. Configuring AS-path Lists
  273. Configuring Community Lists
  274. Configuring Extended Community Lists
  275. Configuring Route Maps
  276. Verifying Route Policy Manager Configuration
  277. Information About Policy Based Routing
  278. C H A P T E R 17 Configuring Policy-Based Routing
  279. Licensing Requirements for Policy-Based Routing
  280. Enabling the Policy-based Routing Feature
  281. Configuring a Route Policy
  282. Verifying Policy-Based Routing Configuration
  283. Information About GLBP
  284. Chapter 18 Configuring GLBP
  285. GLBP Virtual Gateway Redundancy
  286. GLBP Authentication
  287. GLBP Load Balancing and Tracking
  288. High Availability
  289. Guidelines and Limitations
  290. Configuring GLBP Authentication
  291. Configuring GLBP Load Balancing
  292. Customizing GLBP
  293. Enabling a GLBP Group
  294. Verifying GLBP Configuration
  295. Information About HSRP
  296. Chapter 19 Configuring HSRP
  297. HSRP Versions
  298. HSRP Authentication
  299. Object Tracking and HSRP
  300. High Availability and Extended Non-Stop Forwarding
  301. Enabling the HSRP Feature
  302. Configuring the HSRP Version
  303. Authenticating HSRP
  304. Configuring HSRP Object Tracking
  305. Configuring the HSRP Priority
  306. Customizing HSRP
  307. Configuring Extended Hold Timers for HSRP
  308. Verifying HSRP Configuration
  309. Configuring VRRP
  310. VRRP Operation
  311. VRRP Benefits
  312. VRRP Router Priority and Preemption
  313. vPC and VRRP
  314. Configuring VRRP Groups
  315. Configuring VRRP Priority
  316. Configuring VRRP Authentication
  317. Configuring Time Intervals for Advertisement Packets
  318. Disabling Preemption
  319. Configuring VRRP Interface State Tracking
  320. Verifying the VRRP Configuration
  321. Displaying VRRP Statistics
  322. Configuring Object Tracking
  323. Object Tracking Overview
  324. Configuring Object Tracking for Route Reachability
  325. Configuring an Object Track List with a Boolean Expression
  326. Configuring an Object Track List with a Percentage Threshold
  327. Configuring an Object Track List with a Weight Threshold
  328. Configuring an Object Tracking Delay
  329. Configuring Object Tracking for a Nondefault VRF
  330. Verifying Object Tracking Configuration
  331. BGP RFCs
  332. A P P E N D I X A IETF RFCs supported by Cisco NX-OS Unicast Features, Release 4.x
  333. IS-IS RFCs
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. document conventions
  2. related documentation
  3. documentation feedback
  4. new and changed information
  5. action cli
  6. action counter
  7. action forceshut
  8. action overbudgetshut
  9. action reload
  10. action syslog
  11. callhome send
  12. callhome test
  13. cdp enable
  14. cdp holdtime
  15. cdp timer
  16. cfs distribute
  17. cfs region
  18. clear callhome session
  19. clear cdp
  20. clear cores
  21. clear logging nvram
  22. clear logging onboard
  23. clear logging session
  24. clear ntp session
  25. clear ntp statistics
  26. clear snmp hostconfig
  27. configure session
  28. diagnostic start
  29. event manager applet
  30. event manager environment
  31. event manager policy
  32. flow timeout
  33. lldp holdtime
  34. lldp receive
  35. lldp reinit
  36. lldp timer
  37. lldp transmit
  38. logging console
  39. logging event
  40. logging level
  41. logging logfile
  42. logging module
  43. logging monitor
  44. logging server
  45. logging timestamp
  46. monitor session
  47. ntp abort
  48. ntp authenticate
  49. ntp broadcast
  50. ntp broadcastdelay
  51. ntp commit
  52. ntp disable
  53. ntp distribute
  54. ntp enable
  55. ntp master
  56. ntp peer
  57. ntp server
  58. ntp source
  59. poweroff module
  60. rmon event
  61. role distribute
  62. system cores
  63. system heartbeat
  64. system trace
  65. system watchdog
  66. show commands
  67. show callhome
  68. show cdp
  69. show cdp neighbors
  70. show cfs regions
  71. show cfs status
  72. show cores
  73. show environment
  74. show environment power
  75. show event manager environment
  76. show event manager policy
  77. show interface ethernet
  78. show inventory
  79. show lldp neighbors
  80. show lldp traffic
  81. show logging console
  82. show logging info
  83. show logging last
  84. show logging level
  85. show logging logfile
  86. show logging module
  87. show logging monitor
  88. show logging nvram
  89. show logging server
  90. show logging session status
  91. show logging status
  92. show logging timestamp
  93. show module
  94. show monitor
  95. show monitor session
  96. show ntp peers
  97. show ntp statistics
  98. show processes
  99. show processes cpu
  100. show processes log
  101. show processes memory
  102. show rmon
  103. show scheduler
  104. show snmp
  105. show snmp community
  106. show snmp context
  107. show snmp engineid
  108. show snmp group
  109. show snmp host
  110. show snmp trap
  111. show snmp user
  112. show sprom
  113. show system cores
  114. show system uptime
  115. system message logging facilities
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Table Of Contents
  17. Table Of Contents
  18. Table Of Contents
  19. Table Of Contents
  20. Table Of Contents
  21. document conventions
  22. documentation feedback
  23. New and Changed Information
  24. Chapter
  25. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS System Management Configuration Guide
  26. Cisco NX-OS Device Configuration Methods
  27. Configuring with CLI or XML Management Interface
  28. Precision Time Protocol
  29. Session Manager
  30. Onboard Failure Logging
  31. FabricPath
  32. Configuring CFS
  33. Applications that Use CFS to Distribute Configuration Changes
  34. CFS Distribution Modes
  35. CFS Merge Support
  36. High Availability
  37. Default Settings for CFS
  38. Configuring CFS Distribution
  39. Enabling CFS to Distribute DPVM Configurations
  40. Enabling CFS to Distribute FC Domain Configurations
  41. Enabling CFS to Distribute FC Port Security Configurations
  42. Enabling CFS to Distribute IVR Configurations
  43. Enabling CFS to Distribute NTP Configurations
  44. Enabling CFS to Distribute RADIUS Configurations
  45. Enabling CFS to Distribute TACACS+ Configurations
  46. Enabling CFS to Distribute User Role Configurations
  47. Configuring an IP Multicast Address for CFSoIP
  48. Configuring CFS Regions
  49. Removing an Application from a CFS Region
  50. Deleting a CFS Region
  51. Creating and Distributing a CFS Configuration
  52. Clearing a Locked Session
  53. Discarding a CFS Configuration
  54. Verifying the CFS Configuration
  55. Additional References for CFS
  56. Feature History for CFS
  57. Finding Feature Information
  58. NTP Associations
  59. NTP Multicast Associations
  60. Virtualization Support
  61. Default Settings for NTP
  62. Enabling or Disabling NTP on an Interface
  63. Configuring the Device as an Authoritative NTP Server
  64. Configuring NTP Authentication
  65. Configuring NTP Access Restrictions
  66. Configuring the NTP Source IP Address
  67. Configuring the NTP Source Interface
  68. Configuring an NTP Multicast Server
  69. Configuring an NTP Multicast Client
  70. Configuring NTP Logging
  71. Enabling CFS Distribution for NTP
  72. Committing NTP Configuration Changes
  73. Releasing the CFS Session Lock
  74. Configuration Examples for NTP
  75. Additional References
  76. About PTP
  77. PTP Process
  78. Pong
  79. Guidelines and Limitations for PTP
  80. Configuring PTP
  81. Configuring PTP on an Interface
  82. Verifying the PTP Configuration
  83. Configuration Examples for PTP
  84. Related Documents
  85. Feature History for PTP
  86. Configuring CDP
  87. VTP Feature Support
  88. Default Settings for CDP
  89. Enabling or Disabling CDP on an Interface
  90. Configuring Optional CDP Parameters
  91. Verifying the CDP Configuration
  92. Configuring System Message Logging
  93. Syslog Servers
  94. Binary Tech Support
  95. Logging System Messages to a File
  96. Configuring Module and Facility Messages Logging
  97. Configuring Syslog Servers
  98. Configuring Destination Port for Forwarding Syslogs
  99. Configuring Syslog Servers on a UNIX or Linux System
  100. Displaying and Clearing Log Files
  101. Configuration Example for System Message Logging
  102. Feature History for System Message Logging
  103. Destination Profiles
  104. Smart Call Home Message Levels
  105. Obtaining Smart Call Home
  106. Distributing Smart Call Home Using CFS
  107. Licensing Requirements for Smart Call Home
  108. Default Settings for Smart Call Home
  109. Configuring Smart Call Home
  110. Creating a Destination Profile
  111. Modifying a Destination Profile
  112. Associating an Alert Group with a Destination Profile
  113. Adding Show Commands to an Alert Group
  114. Configuring the Email Server
  115. Configuring VRFs To Send Messages Using HTTP
  116. Configuring an HTTP Proxy Server
  117. Configuring Periodic Inventory Notifications
  118. Disabling Duplicate Message Throttling
  119. Enabling or Disabling Smart Call Home
  120. Testing the Smart Call Home Configuration
  121. Configuration Examples for Smart Call Home
  122. Message Formats
  123. Alert Group Message Fields
  124. Fields for User-Generated Test Messages
  125. Sample Syslog Alert Notification in XML Format
  126. Automatically Generated System Checkpoints
  127. Default Settings for Rollbacks
  128. Implementing a Rollback
  129. Verifying the Rollback Configuration
  130. Feature History for Rollback
  131. Guidelines and Limitations for Session Manager
  132. Configuring ACLs in a Session
  133. Committing a Session
  134. Configuration Example for Session Manager
  135. Feature History for Session Manager
  136. Remote User Authentication
  137. Configuring the Scheduler
  138. Configuring Remote User Authentication
  139. Deleting a Job
  140. Defining a Timetable
  141. Clearing the Scheduler Log File
  142. Configuration Examples for the Scheduler
  143. Displaying the Results of Running Scheduler Jobs
  144. About SNMP
  145. SNMPv3
  146. User-Based Security Model
  147. CLI and SNMP User Synchronization
  148. Group-Based SNMP Access
  149. Virtualization Support for SNMP
  150. Configuring SNMP
  151. Enforcing SNMP Message Encryption
  152. Creating SNMP Communities
  153. Filtering SNMP Requests
  154. Configuring SNMP Notification Receivers
  155. Configuring a Source Interface for SNMP Notifications
  156. Configuring the Notification Target User
  157. Configuring SNMP Notification Receivers with VRFs
  158. Configuring SNMP to Send Traps Using an Inband Port
  159. Enabling SNMP Notifications
  160. Disabling Link Notifications on an Interface
  161. Enabling a One-Time Authentication for SNMP over TCP
  162. Configuring the Context to Network Entity Mapping
  163. Disabling SNMP
  164. Verifying SNMP Configuration
  165. Configuration Examples for SNMP
  166. RFCs
  167. Configuring RMON
  168. About RMON
  169. High Availability for RMON
  170. Default Settings for RMON
  171. Configuring RMON Events
  172. Verifying the RMON Configuration
  173. Configuring Online Diagnostics
  174. Online Diagnostics Overview
  175. Runtime or Health Monitoring Diagnostics
  176. Recovery Actions for Specified Health-Monitoring Diagnostics
  177. On-Demand Diagnostics
  178. Default Settings for Online Diagnostics
  179. Activating a Diagnostic Test
  180. Setting a Diagnostic Test as Inactive
  181. Configuring Corrective Action
  182. Starting or Stopping an On-Demand Diagnostic Test
  183. Simulating Diagnostic Results
  184. Configuration Examples for Online Diagnostics
  185. About EEM
  186. Event Statements
  187. VSH Script Policies
  188. EEM Event Correlation
  189. Default Settings for EEM
  190. Defining a User Policy Using the CLI
  191. Configuring Event Statements
  192. Configuring Action Statements
  193. Defining a Policy Using a VSH Script
  194. Scheduling an EEM Policy
  195. Overriding a Policy
  196. Configuring Memory Thresholds
  197. Configuring Syslog as EEM Publisher
  198. Verifying the EEM Configuration
  199. Configuration Examples for EEM
  200. Configuring Onboard Failure Logging
  201. About OBFL
  202. Prerequisites for OBFL
  203. Verifying the OBFL Configuration
  204. Configuration Example for OBFL
  205. Configuring SPAN
  206. SPAN Sources
  207. Characteristics of Destination Ports
  208. Extended SPAN Sessions
  209. Exception SPAN
  210. Virtual SPAN Sessions
  211. Guidelines and Limitations for F1 Series Module
  212. Guidelines and Limitations for F2/F2e Series Modules
  213. Guidelines and Limitations for F3 Series Module
  214. Guidelines and Limitations for M2/M2XL Series Modules
  215. Guidelines and Limitations for M3 Series Modules
  216. Configuring Multi-Destination SPAN on F2 Series Modules
  217. Configuring Multiple SPAN Sessions on a SPAN Destination Port
  218. Configuring a Virtual SPAN Session
  219. Configuring an RSPAN VLAN
  220. Shutting Down or Resuming a SPAN Session
  221. Configuring MTU Truncation for Each SPAN Session
  222. Configuring a Source Rate Limit for Each SPAN Session
  223. Configuring Sampling for Each SPAN Session
  224. Complex Rule-based SPAN
  225. Creating Filter-Lists
  226. Configuring a Session with Rules Enabled
  227. Configuring the Multicast Best Effort Mode for a SPAN Session
  228. Configuring Rule-Based SPAN
  229. Configuring Exception SPAN
  230. Removing FabricPath and VNTAG Headers
  231. Verifying the SPAN Configuration
  232. Configuration Examples for SPAN
  233. Configuration Example for a Unidirectional SPAN Session
  234. Configuration Example for a SPAN Session with a Private VLAN Source
  235. Configuration Example for SPAN with MTU Truncation and SPAN Sampling
  236. Configuration Example for Exception SPAN
  237. About ERSPAN
  238. ERSPAN Destinations
  239. Extended ERSPAN Session
  240. Exception ERSPAN
  241. Network Analysis Module
  242. Guidelines and Limitations for ERSPAN
  243. Default Settings
  244. Configuring ERSPAN
  245. Configuring an ERSPAN Destination Session
  246. Shutting Down or Activating an ERSPAN Session
  247. Configuring MTU Truncation for Each ERSPAN Session
  248. Configuring a Source Rate Limit for Each ERSPAN Session
  249. Configuring Sampling for Each ERSPAN Session
  250. Configuring the Multicast Best Effort Mode for an ERSPAN Session
  251. Configuring Rule-Based ERSPAN
  252. Configuring Exception ERSPAN
  253. Verifying the ERSPAN Configuration
  254. Configuration Examples for ERSPAN
  255. Configuration Example for a Unidirectional ERSPAN Session
  256. Configuration Example for ERSPAN with MTU Truncation and ERSPAN Sampling
  257. About DCBXP
  258. Default Settings for LLDP
  259. Enabling or Disabling LLDP on an Interface
  260. Configuring Optional LLDP Parameters
  261. Verifying the LLDP Configuration
  262. NetFlow
  263. Flow Exporters
  264. Flow Monitors
  265. Netflow on CoPP Interface Support
  266. Guidelines and Limitations for NetFlow
  267. Default Settings for NetFlow
  268. Enabling the NetFlow Feature
  269. Specifying the Match Parameters
  270. Creating a Flow Exporter
  271. Creating a Flow Monitor
  272. Creating a Sampler
  273. Applying a Flow Monitor to an Interface
  274. Configuring Netflow on CoPP Interface Support
  275. Configuring Bridged NetFlow on a VLAN
  276. Configuring NetFlow Timeouts
  277. Verifying the NetFlow Configuration
  278. Verification Examples for NetFlow CoPP Interface Support
  279. Information About EEE
  280. Guidelines and Limitations
  281. Configuring the EEE LPI Sleep Threshold
  282. Verifying the EEE Configuration
  283. Configuration Examples for EEE
  284. Feature History for EEE
  285. Licensing Requirements for XMLIN
  286. Converting Show Command Output to XML
  287. IETF RFCs Supported by Cisco NX-OS System Management
  288. EEM System Policies
  289. EEM Events
  290. Configuration Examples for EEM Policies
  291. Configuration Examples to Override (Disable) Major Thresholds
  292. Overriding (Disabling) an Entire Module
  293. Enabling Multiple Sensors While Disabling All Remaining Sensors of All Modules
  294. Configuration Examples to Override (Disable) Shutdown for Fan Tray Removal
  295. Overriding (Disabling) a Shutdown for Removal of All Fan Trays Except One
  296. Creating a Supplemental Policy for the Temperature Threshold Event
  297. Configuration Examples to Select Modules to Shut Down
  298. Configuration Example to Generate a User Syslog
  299. Sending an SNMP Notification in Response to an Event in the Event Policy
  300. Configuration Example to Register an EEM Policy with the EEM
  301. Configuration Limits for Cisco NX-OS System Management
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Table Of Contents
  17. Table Of Contents
  18. document conventions
  19. related documentation
  20. documentation feedback
  21. absolute
  22. accept-lifetime
  23. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Security Command Reference
  24. access-class
  25. action
  26. arp access-list
  27. authentication (LDAP)
  28. aaa accounting default
  29. aaa accounting dot1x
  30. aaa authentication cts default group
  31. aaa authentication dot1x default group
  32. aaa authentication eou default group
  33. aaa authentication login ascii-authentication
  34. aaa authentication login chap enable
  35. aaa authentication login console
  36. aaa authentication login default
  37. aaa authentication login error-enable
  38. aaa authentication login invalid-username-log
  39. aaa authentication login mschap enable
  40. aaa authentication login mschapv2 enable
  41. aaa authentication rejected
  42. aaa authorization commands default
  43. aaa authorization config-commands default
  44. aaa authorization cts default group
  45. aaa authorization ssh-certificate
  46. aaa authorization ssh-publickey
  47. aaa group server ldap
  48. aaa group server radius
  49. aaa group server tacacs
  50. aaa user default-role
  51. cipher suite
  52. clear access-list counters
  53. clear accounting log
  54. clear copp statistics
  55. clear cts cache
  56. clear cts policy
  57. capture session
  58. cts dot1x
  59. class (policy map)
  60. class-map type control-plane
  61. clear aaa local user blocked
  62. clear ldap-server statistics
  63. clear mac access-list counters
  64. clear port-security
  65. clear cts role-based counters
  66. clear dot1x
  67. clear eou
  68. clear hardware rate-limiter
  69. clear ip arp inspection log
  70. clear ip access-list counters
  71. clear ip arp inspection statistics vlan
  72. clear ip device tracking
  73. clear ip dhcp relay statistics
  74. clear ip dhcp snooping binding
  75. clear ipv6 access-list counters
  76. clear ipv6 dhcp relay statistics
  77. clear ipv6 dhcp-ldra statistics
  78. clear vlan access-list counters
  79. conf-offset
  80. copp copy profile
  81. copp profile
  82. CRLLookup
  83. crypto ca authenticate
  84. crypto ca crl request
  85. clear radius-server statistics
  86. clear ssh hosts
  87. clear tacacs-server statistics
  88. clear user
  89. cts l3 spi (global)
  90. cts l3 spi (interface)
  91. crypto ca enroll
  92. crypto ca export
  93. crypto ca import
  94. crypto ca lookup
  95. crypto ca remote ldap crl-refresh-time
  96. crypto ca remote ldap server-group
  97. crypto ca test verify
  98. crypto ca trustpoint
  99. crypto cert ssh-authorize
  100. crypto certificatemap mapname
  101. cts cache enable
  102. cts device-id
  103. cts role-based sgt-map
  104. cts manual
  105. cts refresh environment-data
  106. cts refresh role-based-policy
  107. cts rekey
  108. cts role-based access-list
  109. cts role-based counters enable
  110. cts role-based detailed-logging
  111. cts role-based enforcement
  112. cts role-based monitor
  113. cts role-based policy priority-static
  114. cts role-based sgt
  115. cts sxp allow default-route-sgt
  116. cts sxp connection peer
  117. cts sxp default password
  118. cts sxp default source-ip
  119. cts sxp enable
  120. cts sxp listener hold-time
  121. cts sxp mapping network-map
  122. cts sxp node-id
  123. cts sxp reconcile-period
  124. cts sxp retry-period
  125. cts sxp speaker hold-time
  126. dot1x max-reauth-req
  127. dot1x max-req
  128. dot1x pae authenticator
  129. dot1x port-control
  130. dot1x radius-accounting
  131. dot1x re-authentication (EXEC)
  132. dot1x re-authentication (global configuration and interface configuration)
  133. dot1x system-auth-control
  134. dot1x timeout quiet-period
  135. dot1x timeout ratelimit-period
  136. dot1x timeout re-authperiod
  137. dot1x timeout server-timeout
  138. dot1x timeout supp-timeout
  139. dot1x timeout tx-period
  140. deadtime
  141. delete ca-certificate
  142. delete certificate
  143. delete crl
  144. deny (ARP)
  145. deny (IPv4)
  146. deny (IPv6)
  147. deny (MAC)
  148. deny (role-based access control list)
  149. description (identity policy)
  150. description (user role)
  151. destination interface
  152. device
  153. device-role
  154. dot1x default
  155. dot1x host-mode
  156. dot1x initialize
  157. dot1x mac-auth-bypass
  158. encrypt pause-frame
  159. encryption decrypt type6
  160. encryption delete type6
  161. enable
  162. enable Cert-DN-match
  163. enable secret
  164. enable user-server-group
  165. encryption re-encrypt obfuscated
  166. enrollment terminal
  167. eou allow clientless
  168. eou default
  169. eou initialize
  170. eou logging
  171. eou max-retry
  172. eou port
  173. eou ratelimit
  174. eou revalidate (EXEC)
  175. eou revalidate (global configuration and interface configuration)
  176. eou timeout
  177. F Commands
  178. feature (user role feature group)
  179. feature cts
  180. feature dhcp
  181. feature dot1x
  182. feature eou
  183. feature ldap
  184. feature mka
  185. feature password encryption aes
  186. feature port-security
  187. feature privilege
  188. feature scp-server
  189. feature sftp-server
  190. feature ssh
  191. feature tacacs
  192. feature telnet
  193. filter
  194. fips mode enable
  195. fragments
  196. G Commands
  197. hardware access-list allow deny ace
  198. hardware access-list capture
  199. hardware access-list resource feature bank-mapping
  200. hardware access-list resource pooling
  201. hardware access-list update
  202. hardware rate-limiter
  203. hop-limit
  204. host (IPv4)
  205. host (IPv6)
  206. identity policy
  207. identity profile eapoudp
  208. interface policy deny
  209. ip access-class
  210. ip access-group
  211. ip access-list
  212. ip arp inspection filter
  213. ip arp inspection log-buffer
  214. ip arp inspection trust
  215. ip arp inspection validate
  216. ip arp inspection vlan
  217. ip dhcp packet strict-validation
  218. ip dhcp redirect-response
  219. ip dhcp relay
  220. ip dhcp relay address
  221. ip dhcp relay information option
  222. ip dhcp relay information option vpn
  223. ip dhcp relay subnet-broadcast
  224. ip dhcp relay sub-option type cisco
  225. ip dhcp smart-relay
  226. ip dhcp smart-relay global
  227. ip dhcp snooping
  228. ip dhcp snooping information option
  229. ip dhcp snooping trust
  230. ip dhcp snooping verify mac-address
  231. ip dhcp snooping vlan
  232. ip forward-protocol udp
  233. ip port access-group
  234. ip radius source-interface
  235. ip source binding
  236. ip tacacs source-interface
  237. ip udp relay addrgroup
  238. ip udp relay subnet-broadcast
  239. ip verify source dhcp-snooping-vlan
  240. ip verify unicast source reachable-via
  241. ipv6 access-class
  242. ipv6 access-list
  243. ipv6 dhcp-ldra
  244. ipv6 dhcp guard policy
  245. ipv6 dhcp-ldra (interface)
  246. ipv6 dhcp relay
  247. ipv6 dhcp-ldra attach policy (interface)
  248. ipv6 dhcp-ldra attach-policy vlan
  249. ipv6 dhcp relay address
  250. ipv6 nd raguard attach-policy
  251. ipv6 nd raguard policy
  252. ipv6 neighbor binding
  253. ipv6 neighbor binding logging
  254. ipv6 neighbor binding max-entries
  255. ipv6 neighbor tracking
  256. ipv6 port traffic-filter
  257. ipv6 snooping attach-policy
  258. ipv6 traffic-filter
  259. key chain
  260. key config-key
  261. key-octet-string
  262. key-server-priority
  263. key-string
  264. L Commands
  265. ldap-server deadtime
  266. ldap-server host
  267. ldap-server port
  268. ldap-server timeout
  269. ldap search-map
  270. logging drop threshold
  271. M Commands
  272. mac access-list
  273. mac packet-classify
  274. mac port access-group
  275. macsec keychain policy
  276. macsec policy
  277. managed-config-flag
  278. match (class-map)
  279. match (VLAN access-map)
  280. monitor session
  281. N Commands
  282. nac enable
  283. O Commands
  284. object-group (identity policy)
  285. object-group ip address
  286. object-group ip port
  287. object-group ipv6 address
  288. object-group udp relay ip address
  289. other-config-flag
  290. password secure-mode
  291. password strength-check
  292. periodic
  293. permit (ACL)
  294. permit (ARP)
  295. permit (IPv4)
  296. permit (IPv6)
  297. permit (MAC)
  298. permit (role-based access control list)
  299. permit interface
  300. permit vlan
  301. permit vrf
  302. platform access-list update
  303. platform rate-limit
  304. police (policy map)
  305. policy
  306. policy-map type control-plane
  307. preference
  308. propagate-sgt
  309. radius abort
  310. radius commit
  311. radius distribute
  312. radius-server deadtime
  313. radius-server directed-request
  314. radius-server host
  315. radius-server key
  316. radius-server retransmit
  317. radius-server test
  318. radius-server timeout
  319. range
  320. rate-limit cpu direction
  321. remark
  322. replay-protection
  323. resequence
  324. revocation-check
  325. role abort
  326. role commit
  327. role distribute
  328. role feature-group name
  329. role name
  330. router-preference maximum
  331. rsakeypair
  332. rule
  333. sak-expiry-time
  334. sap modelist
  335. send-lifetime
  336. server
  337. service dhcp
  338. service-policy input
  339. set cos
  340. set dscp (policy map class)
  341. set precedence (policy map class)
  342. source-interface
  343. ssh login-attempts
  344. ssh server enable
  345. ssh6
  346. statistics per-entry
  347. storm-control level
  348. switchport port-security
  349. switchport port-security aging type
  350. switchport port-security mac-address
  351. switchport port-security mac-address sticky
  352. switchport port-security maximum
  353. switchport port-security violation
  354. show commands
  355. show
  356. show aaa accounting
  357. show aaa authentication
  358. show aaa authorization
  359. show aaa groups
  360. show aaa local user blocked
  361. show aaa user default-role
  362. show access-list status module
  363. show access-lists
  364. show accounting log
  365. show arp access-lists
  366. show class-map type control-plane
  367. show cli syntax roles network-admin
  368. show cli syntax roles network-operator
  369. show copp diff profile
  370. show copp profile
  371. show copp status
  372. show crypto ca certificates
  373. show crypto ca certstore
  374. show crypto ca crl
  375. show crypto ca remote-certstore
  376. show crypto ca trustpoints
  377. show crypto certificatemap
  378. show crypto key mypubkey rsa
  379. show crypto ssh-auth-map
  380. show cts
  381. show cts capability interface
  382. show cts credentials
  383. show cts environment-data
  384. show cts interface
  385. show cts l3 interface
  386. show cts l3 mapping
  387. show cts pacs
  388. show cts propagate-status
  389. show cts role-based access-list
  390. show cts role-based counters
  391. show cts role-based disabled-interface
  392. show cts role-based enable
  393. show cts role-based policy
  394. show cts role-based sgt vlan
  395. show cts role-based sgt-map
  396. show cts sap pmk
  397. show cts sxp
  398. show cts sxp connection
  399. show data-corruption
  400. show dot1x
  401. show dot1x all
  402. show dot1x interface ethernet
  403. show encryption service stat
  404. show eou
  405. show fips status
  406. show hardware access-list feature-combo
  407. show hardware rate-limiter
  408. show identity policy
  409. show identity profile
  410. show ip access-lists
  411. show ip access-lists capture session
  412. show ip arp inspection
  413. show ip arp inspection interface
  414. show ip arp inspection log
  415. show ip arp inspection statistics
  416. show ip arp inspection vlan
  417. show ip device tracking
  418. show ip dhcp relay
  419. show ip dhcp relay address
  420. show ip dhcp relay statistics
  421. show ip dhcp snooping
  422. show ip dhcp snooping binding
  423. show ip dhcp snooping statistics
  424. show ip udp relay
  425. show ip verify source
  426. show ipv6 access-lists
  427. show ipv6 dhcp relay
  428. show ipv6 dhcp relay statistics
  429. show ipv6 dhcp-ldra
  430. show ipv6 dhcp guard policy
  431. show ipv6 nd raguard policy
  432. show ipv6 neighbor binding
  433. show ipv6 snooping capture-policy
  434. show ipv6 snooping counters
  435. show ipv6 snooping features
  436. show ipv6 snooping policies
  437. show key chain
  438. show ldap-search-map
  439. show ldap-server
  440. show ldap-server groups
  441. show ldap-server statistics
  442. show mac access-lists
  443. show macsec mka
  444. show macsec policy
  445. show password secure-mode
  446. show password strength-check
  447. show policy-map interface control-plane
  448. show policy-map type control-plane
  449. show port-security
  450. show port-security address
  451. show port-security interface
  452. show privilege
  453. show radius
  454. show radius-server
  455. show role
  456. show role feature
  457. show role feature-group
  458. show role pending
  459. show role pending-diff
  460. show role session
  461. show role status
  462. show run mka
  463. show running-config aaa
  464. show running-config aclmgr
  465. show running-config copp
  466. show running-config cts
  467. show running-config dhcp
  468. show running-config dot1x
  469. show running-config eou
  470. show running-config ldap
  471. show running-config port-security
  472. show running-config radius
  473. show running-config security
  474. show running-config tacacs
  475. show security system state
  476. show software integrity
  477. show ssh key
  478. show ssh server
  479. show startup-config aaa
  480. show startup-config aclmgr
  481. show startup-config copp
  482. show startup-config dhcp
  483. show startup-config dot1x
  484. show startup-config eou
  485. show startup-config ldap
  486. show startup-config port-security
  487. show startup-config radius
  488. show startup-config security
  489. show startup-config tacacs
  490. show system internal access-list feature bank-chain map
  491. show system internal access-list feature bank-class map
  492. show system internal access-list globals
  493. show system internal pktmgr internal control sw-rate-limit
  494. show system internal udp-relay database
  495. show tacacs
  496. show tacacs-server
  497. show telnet server
  498. show time-range
  499. show user-account
  500. show username
  501. show users
  502. show vlan access-list
  503. show vlan access-map
  504. show vlan filter
  505. tacacs+ abort
  506. tacacs+ commit
  507. tacacs+ distribute
  508. tacacs-server deadtime
  509. tacacs-server directed-request
  510. tacacs-server host
  511. tacacs-server key
  512. tacacs-server test
  513. tacacs-server timeout
  514. telnet
  515. telnet server enable
  516. telnet6
  517. terminal verify-only
  518. test aaa authorization command-type
  519. time-range
  520. trustedCert
  521. U Commands
  522. user-certdn-match
  523. username
  524. userprofile
  525. user-pubkey-match
  526. user-switch-bind
  527. use-vrf
  528. V Commands
  529. vlan access-map
  530. vlan filter
  531. vlan policy deny
  532. vrf policy deny
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. chapter
  7. Related Documentation
  8. VXLAN Flood and Learn
  9. VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint
  10. VXLAN BGP EVPN Control Plane
  11. Configuring VXLAN Flood and Learn
  12. VXLAN Layer 2 Gateway
  13. VXLAN Licensing Information
  14. Considerations for VXLAN Deployment
  15. Network Considerations for VXLAN Deployments
  16. Considerations for the core VRF
  17. Configuring VXLAN
  18. Configuring VNI Service Instances
  19. Creating an VTEP and NVE Interface
  20. Configuring vPC Peer-link
  21. Configuring L3 Interface for IP Cloud Connectivity
  22. Disabling VXLANs
  23. Verifying the VXLAN Configuration
  24. Configuration Examples
  25. Example of Verifying VXLAN Flood and Learn Configuration
  26. Feature History for VXLAN Flood and Learn
  27. Information About VXLAN BGP EVPN
  28. Realizing Layer-2 and Layer-3 Multi-Tenancy
  29. Fabric Overlay Control-Plane (MP-BGP EVPN)
  30. End Host and Subnet Route Distribution
  31. ARP Suppression
  32. Performing End Host Detection, Deletion and Move
  33. Multi-Destination Traffic
  34. Configuring VXLAN BGP EVPN
  35. Feature History for VXLAN BGP EVPN
  36. VXLAN EVPN - MPLS L3VPN for ACI Fabric
  37. Overview of VXLAN EVPN - MPLS L3VPN for ACI Fabric
  38. Spine – DCI Connectivity
  39. OpFlex DCI Auto-Configuration
  40. Interconnect Policy Provisioning (IPP)
  41. DCI Auto-Configuration Scenario
  42. Show and Debug Command Examples
  43. Campus Fabric
  44. VXLAN Encapsulation for Layer-3 LISP Configuration
  45. Feature History for Campus Fabric
  46. Prerequisites of Campus Fabric Interconnect—MPLS L3VPN
  47. Information About Campus Fabric Interconnect—MPLS L3VPN
  48. Campus Fabric Architecture—Fabric 1
  49. How to Configure Campus Fabric Interconnect—MPLS L3VPN
  50. Campus Fabric Interconnect Configuration
  51. Verifying Campus Fabric Interconnect—MPLS L3VPN
  52. Verifying MPLS Label Switching VRF Information
  53. LISP Support for Disjointed RLOC Domains
  54. LISP Map-Server
  55. Workflow of LISP Support for Disjointed RLOC Domains
  56. How to Configure LISP Support for Disjointed RLOC Domains
  57. PxTR 1 or RTR Configuration—RTR Locator-Set Inheritance
  58. Map-Server Configuration
  59. EID Space Details in the Map-Server/Map-Resolver (MSMR)
  60. Verify LISP map-cache Details on PxTR 1
  61. Prerequisites for PBR Support for the VXLAN BGP EVPN Fabric
  62. Information About PBR Support for the VXLAN BGP EVPN Fabric
  63. PBR Rules on L1 and L2 (Enabled on BDI10 and BDI20)
  64. Enable PBR Configurations on L1, L2 and the Service Leaf Switch
  65. Verifying PBR Route Map Policy Configuration on the BDI
  66. Prerequisites for VXLAN BGP EVPN and OTV Interoperation
  67. Guidelines and Limitations for VXLAN BGP EVPN and OTV Interoperation
  68. Sample Topologies and Workflow of the VXLAN BGP EVPN and OTV Interoperation
  69. Layer 2 Switching
  70. Control Plane
  71. Layer 3 Unicast Routing
  72. Layer 2 Multicast Forwarding and Layer 3 Multicast Routing
  73. How to Configure VXLAN BGP EVPN and OTV Interoperation, and OTV with BDI
  74. Configure OTV with BDI Configuration on the Border Switches in DC-4
  75. Verifying VXLAN BGP EVPN and OTV Interoperation, and OTV with BDI
  76. Display OTV Configuration on the Border Leaf Switch BL1
  77. Display OTV Overlay State
  78. Display OTV Adjacencies
  79. Troubleshooting VXLAN BGP EVPN and OTV Interoperation, and OTV with BDI
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. document conventions
  5. related documentation
  6. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  7. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series LISP Commands
  8. allowed-locator
  9. authentication-key
  10. clear ip lisp data-cache
  11. clear ip lisp map-cache
  12. clear ip lisp statistics
  13. clear ipv6 lisp data-cache
  14. clear ipv6 lisp map-cache
  15. clear ipv6 lisp statistics
  16. clear lisp dynamic-eid
  17. clear lisp proxy-itr
  18. clear lisp site
  19. database-mapping
  20. description
  21. eid-prefix
  22. instance-id
  23. ip lisp alt-vrf
  24. ip lisp database-mapping
  25. ip lisp etr accept-map-request-mapping
  26. ip lisp etr glean-mapping
  27. ip lisp etr map-cache-ttl
  28. ip lisp etr map-server
  29. ip lisp hardware-forwarding
  30. ip lisp itr map-resolver
  31. ip lisp itr send-data-probe
  32. ip lisp itr-etr
  33. ip lisp locator-down
  34. ip lisp locator-vrf LSP
  35. ip lisp map-cache LSP
  36. ip lisp map-cache-limit LSP
  37. ip lisp map-request-source LSP
  38. ip lisp map-resolver LSP
  39. ip lisp map-server LSP
  40. ip lisp nat-transversal LSP
  41. ip lisp proxy-etr LSP
  42. ip lisp proxy-itr LSP
  43. ip lisp shortest-eid-prefix-length LSP
  44. ip lisp source-locator LSP
  45. ip lisp translate LSP
  46. ip lisp use-petr LSP
  47. ipv6 lisp alt-vrf LSP
  48. ipv6 lisp database-mapping LSP
  49. ipv6 lisp etr LSP
  50. ipv6 lisp etr accept-map-request-mapping LSP
  51. ipv6 lisp etr glean-mapping LSP
  52. ipv6 lisp etr map-server LSP
  53. ipv6 lisp hardware-forwarding LSP
  54. ipv6 lisp itr LSP
  55. ipv6 lisp itr map-resolver LSP
  56. ipv6 lisp itr send-data-probe LSP
  57. ipv6 lisp itr-etr LSP
  58. ipv6 lisp locator-down LSP
  59. ipv6 lisp locator-vrf LSP
  60. ipv6 lisp map-cache LSP
  61. ipv6 lisp map-cache-limit LSP
  62. ipv6 lisp map-request-source LSP
  63. ipv6 lisp map-resolver LSP
  64. ipv6 lisp map-server LSP
  65. ipv6 lisp nat-transversal LSP
  66. ipv6 lisp proxy-etr LSP
  67. pv6 lisp proxy-itr LSP
  68. ipv6 lisp shortest-eid-prefix-length
  69. ipv6 lisp source-locator
  70. ipv6 lisp translate
  71. ipv6 lisp use-petr
  72. lisp beta
  73. lisp dynamic-eid
  74. lisp extend-subnet-mode
  75. lisp instance id
  76. lisp loc-reach-algorithm
  77. lisp mobility
  78. lisp site
  79. map-notify-group
  80. map-server
  81. redistribute lisp route-map
  82. register-database-mapping
  83. roaming-eid-prefix
  84. show ip lisp
  85. show ip lisp data-cache
  86. show ip lisp database
  87. show ip lisp locator-hash
  88. show ip lisp map-cache
  89. show ip lisp statistics
  90. show ip lisp translation-cache
  91. show ipv6 lisp
  92. show ipv6 lisp data-cache
  93. show ipv6 lisp database
  94. show ipv6 lisp locator-hash
  95. show ipv6 lisp map-cache
  96. show ipv6 lisp statistics
  97. show ipv6 lisp translation-cache
  98. show lisp dynamic-eid
  99. show lisp proxy-itr
  100. show lisp site
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. document conventions
  10. documentation feedback
  11. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  12. New and Changed Information
  13. chapter
  14. Using QoS
  15. Mutation
  16. Sequencing of Ingress Traffic Actions
  17. QoS Feature Configuration with MQC
  18. QoS Policies on Fabric Extenders
  19. Finding Feature Information
  20. Licensing Requirements
  21. Using an MQC Object
  22. Type Queuing Policies
  23. System-Defined MQC Objects
  24. Configuring an MQC Object
  25. Configuring or Modifying a Class Map
  26. Configuring or Modifying a Table Map
  27. Configuring or Modifying a Policy Map
  28. Applying Descriptions to MQC Objects
  29. Verifying an MQC Object
  30. Attaching a QoS Policy Action to an Interface or Tunnel
  31. Attaching a QoS Policy Action to a VLAN
  32. Configuring Traffic Classes
  33. Configuring a Deny ACE
  34. Configuring DSCP Classification
  35. Configuring IP Precedence Classification
  36. Configuring Protocol Classification
  37. Configuring QoS Group Classification
  38. Configuring Discard Class Classification
  39. Configuring CoS Classification
  40. Configuring IP RTP Classification
  41. Configuring Class Map Classification
  42. Verifying the Classification Configuration
  43. Guidelines and Limitations
  44. Configuring DSCP Marking
  45. Configuring IP Precedence Marking
  46. Configuring CoS Marking
  47. Configuring QoS Group Marking
  48. Configuring Ingress and Egress Marking
  49. Configuring DSCP Port Marking
  50. Configuring Table Maps for Use in Marking
  51. Configuring Marking Using Table Maps
  52. Verifying the Marking Configuration
  53. Configuration Examples for Marking
  54. Verifying the Mutation Mapping Configuration
  55. Configuration Examples for Mutation Mapping
  56. Shared Policers
  57. Configuring Policing
  58. Configuring Color-Aware Policing
  59. Configuring Ingress and Egress Policing
  60. Configuring Markdown Policing
  61. Configuring Shared Policers
  62. Verifying the Policing Configuration
  63. Configuration Examples for Policing
  64. Feature History for Policing
  65. Ingress Buffer Policy
  66. Configuring Fabric QoS Mapping
  67. Configuring Ingress Buffer Policy
  68. Configuring the New User-defined Policy on Fabric
  69. Configuration Examples for Fabric QoS Mapping
  70. Example: Verifying the QoS Mapping on Fabric
  71. Feature History for Fabric QoS Mapping
  72. Setting Ingress Port CoS
  73. Congestion Avoidance
  74. Prerequisites for Queuing and Scheduling
  75. Configuring Queuing and Scheduling
  76. Configuring Ingress Port CoS
  77. Modifying Queuing Class Maps for COS
  78. Modifying Queuing Class Maps for DSCP
  79. Configuring Congestion Avoidance
  80. Configuring Tail Drop by COS Values
  81. Configuring Tail Drop by DSCP Values
  82. Configuring WRED by COS Values
  83. Configuring WRED by DSCP Values
  84. Configuring Congestion Management
  85. Configuring Priority
  86. Configuring Shaping
  87. Configuring Queue Limits
  88. Enabling DSCP to Queue Mapping
  89. Configuration Examples for Queuing and Scheduling
  90. Example: Shaping and Tail Drop Configuration
  91. Example: Verifying the Status of DSCP-to-queue Mapping
  92. Ingress Queuing
  93. Egress Queuing
  94. Shared Buffer Queuing on the F3 Series Module
  95. Configuring an Egress Queuing Policy
  96. Verifying the Queuing and Scheduling Configuration
  97. Configuration Examples for Queuing and Scheduling on F-Series Modules
  98. Example: Hierarchical Queuing Policy Configuration
  99. Differences in Drop CoS and No-Drop CoS Values
  100. Queue Names and Default Mappings of CoS Values to Egress/Ingress Queues
  101. Default DSCP Mappings
  102. Configuring Network QoS Policies
  103. Configure a User-Defined Network
  104. Applying a Network QoS Policy on a Target
  105. Configuration Examples for Network QoS
  106. Default Settings for Priority Flow Control
  107. Verifying the Priority Flow Control Configuration
  108. Route Maps
  109. Prerequisites for Local Policy-Based Routing
  110. Configuring Local Policy-Based Routing
  111. Enabling the Policy-Based Routing Feature
  112. Verifying the Local Policy-Based Routing Configuration
  113. Prerequisites for Monitoring QoS Statistics
  114. Clearing Statistics
  115. Feature History for Statistics
  116. Configuration Limits for QoS
  117. Related Documents
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. document organization
  9. document conventions
  10. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  11. New and Changed Information
  12. chapter
  13. Private VLANs
  14. Rapid PVST
  15. Virtualization
  16. Related Topics
  17. Configuring Layer 2 Switching
  18. Information About Layer 2 Switching
  19. Consistent MAC Address Tables on the Supervisor and on the Modules
  20. High Availability for Switching
  21. Guidelines and Limitations for Configuring MAC Addresses
  22. Configuring a Static MAC Address on a Layer 3 Interface
  23. Configuring the Aging Time for the MAC Address Table
  24. Configuring Learning Mode for VLANs
  25. Checking the Consistency of MAC Address Tables
  26. Clearing Dynamic Addresses from the MAC Address Table
  27. Configuration Example for Layer 2 Switching
  28. Feature History for Configuring Layer 2 Switching
  29. Finding Feature Information
  30. Information About VLANs
  31. Creating, Deleting, and Modifying VLANs
  32. High Availability for VLANs
  33. Guidelines and Limitations for Configuring VLANs
  34. Configuring a VLAN
  35. Entering the VLAN Configuration Submode
  36. Changing the Range of Reserved VLANs
  37. Configuring a VLAN Before Creating the VLAN
  38. chapter.
  39. Configuring VLAN Translation on a Trunk Port
  40. Verifying the VLAN Configuration
  41. Configuration Example for VLANs
  42. Feature History for Configuring VLANs
  43. Configuring VTP
  44. VTP Overview
  45. VTP Modes
  46. VTP Pruning and Spanning Tree Protocol
  47. Configuring VTP Pruning
  48. Configuring Private VLANs Using NX-OS
  49. Information About Private VLANs
  50. Private VLAN Ports
  51. Primary, Isolated, and Community Private VLANs
  52. Associating Primary and Secondary VLANs
  53. Private VLANs and VLAN Interfaces
  54. PVLAN (Isolated) on FEX HIF (Cisco Nexus 7000 Parent)
  55. Prerequisites for Private VLANs
  56. Private VLAN Port Configuration
  57. Default Settings for Private VLANs
  58. Configuring a VLAN as a Private VLAN
  59. Associating Secondary VLANs with a Primary Private VLAN
  60. Mapping Secondary VLANs to the VLAN Interface of a Primary VLAN
  61. Configuring a Layer 2 Interface as a Private VLAN Host Port
  62. Configuring a Layer 2 Interface as a Private VLAN Isolated Trunk Port
  63. Configuring a Layer 2 Interface as a Private VLAN Promiscuous Port
  64. Configuring a Layer 2 Interface as a Private VLAN Promiscuous Trunk Port
  65. Configuring Isolated PVLANs on FEX HIF Ports
  66. Configuring PVLAN on FEX Isolated Ports
  67. Configuring PVLAN on Trunk Secondary Port
  68. Verifying PVLAN (Isolated) Configurations on FEX HIF
  69. Displaying and Clearing Private VLAN Statistics
  70. Additional References for Private VLANs
  71. Feature History for Configuring Private VLANs
  72. Overview of STP
  73. Bridge Priority Value
  74. Election of the Root Bridge
  75. Overview of Rapid PVST
  76. Rapid PVST+ BPDUs
  77. Proposal and Agreement Handshake
  78. Protocol Timers
  79. Port Roles
  80. Rapid PVST+ Port State Overview
  81. Blocking State
  82. port priority
  83. High Availability for Rapid PVST
  84. Licensing Requirements for Rapid PVST
  85. Default Settings for Rapid PVST
  86. Configuring Rapid PVST
  87. Disabling or Enabling Rapid PVST+ Per VLAN—CLI Version
  88. Configuring the Root Bridge ID
  89. Configuring a Secondary Root Bridge—CLI Version
  90. Configuring the Rapid PVST+ Bridge Priority of a VLAN
  91. Configuring the Rapid PVST+ Port Priority—CLI Version
  92. Configuring the Rapid PVST+ Path-Cost Method and Port Cost—CLI Version
  93. Configuring the Rapid PVST+ Hello Time for a VLAN—CLI Version
  94. Configuring the Rapid PVST+ Forward Delay Time for a VLAN—CLI Version
  95. Configuring the Rapid PVST+ Maximum Age Time for a VLAN—CLI Version
  96. Specifying the Link Type for Rapid PVST+—CLI Version
  97. Reinitializing the Protocol for Rapid PVST
  98. Verifying the Rapid PVST+ Configurations
  99. Additional References for Rapid PVST+—CLI Version
  100. Feature History for Configuring Rapid PVST+—CLI Version
  101. Information About MST
  102. MST BPDUs
  103. IST, CIST, and CST
  104. Spanning Tree Operation Within an MST Region
  105. MST Terminology
  106. Hop Count
  107. Detecting Unidirectional Link Failure
  108. Interoperability with IEEE 802.1D
  109. Licensing Requirements for MST
  110. Guidelines and Limitations for Configuring MST
  111. Default Settings for MST
  112. Configuring MST
  113. Entering MST Configuration Mode
  114. Specifying the MST Name
  115. Specifying the MST Configuration Revision Number
  116. Specifying the Configuration on an MST Region
  117. Mapping or Unmapping a VLAN to an MST Instance—CLI Version
  118. Mapping Secondary VLANs to Same MSTI as Primary VLANs for Private VLANs
  119. Configuring the Root Bridge
  120. Configuring an MST Secondary Root Bridge
  121. Configuring the MST Switch Priority
  122. Configuring the MST Port Priority
  123. Configuring the MST Port Cost
  124. Configuring the MST Hello Time
  125. Configuring the MST Forwarding-Delay Time
  126. Configuring the MST Maximum-Aging Time
  127. Configuring the MST Maximum-Hop Count
  128. Configuring an Interface to Proactively Send Prestandard MSTP Messages—CLI Version
  129. Specifying the Link Type for MST—CLI Version
  130. Reinitializing the Protocol for MST
  131. Displaying and Clearing MST Statistics—CLI Version
  132. Additional References for MST—CLI Version
  133. Feature History for Configuring MST--CLI Version
  134. STP Port Types
  135. BPDU Guard
  136. BPDU Filtering
  137. Loop Guard
  138. Applying STP Extension Features
  139. High Availability for STP
  140. Prerequisites for STP Extensions
  141. Default Settings for STP Extensions
  142. Configuring Spanning Tree Edge Ports on Specified Interfaces
  143. Configuring Spanning Tree Network Ports on Specified Interfaces
  144. Enabling BPDU Guard Globally
  145. Enabling BPDU Guard on Specified Interfaces
  146. Enabling BPDU Filtering Globally
  147. Enabling BPDU Filtering on Specified Interfaces
  148. Enabling Loop Guard Globally
  149. Enabling Loop Guard or Root Guard on Specified Interfaces
  150. Configuring PVST Simulation Globally—CLI Version
  151. Configuring PVST Simulation Per Port
  152. Verifying the STP Extension Configuration
  153. Feature History for Configuring STP Extensions—CLI version
  154. Configuration Limits for Layer 2 Switching
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. document conventions
  6. related documentation
  7. documentation feedback
  8. New and Changed Information
  9. Information About Locator/ID Separation Protocol
  10. LISP Devices Overview
  11. LISP Site Devices
  12. Licensing Requirements for LISP
  13. Configuring Locator/ID Separation Protocol
  14. Configuring Optional LISP ITR/ETR (xTR) Functionality
  15. Configuring LISP-ALT Functionality
  16. Configuring Required LISP Map-Resolver Functionality
  17. Configuring Optional LISP Map-Server Functionality
  18. Configuring Required LISP Proxy-ITR Functionality
  19. Configuring Required LISP Proxy-ETR Functionality
  20. Standards
  21. Finding Feature Information
  22. Information About LISP ESM Multihop Mobility
  23. Configuring LISP ESM Multihop Mobility
  24. Configuring the Site Gateway xTR
  25. Configuring xTR
  26. Configuring the Map Server
  27. Configuration Examples for LISP ESM Multihop Mobility
  28. Example: First-Hop Router Configuration
  29. Example: Site Gateway xTR Configuration
  30. Example: MSMR Configuration
  31. Feature Information for LISP ESM Multihop Mobility
  32. Information about LISP Instance-ID Support
  33. Prerequisites for LISP Instance-ID Support
  34. Path Level Virtualization
  35. Default (Non-Virtualized) LISP Model
  36. LISP Shared Model Virtualization Architecture
  37. LISP Shared Model Virtualization Implementation Considerations and Caveats
  38. LISP Parallel Model Virtualization Architecture
  39. LISP Parallel Model Virtualization Implementation Considerations and Caveats
  40. How to Configure LISP Instance-ID Support
  41. Configuring a Private LISP Mapping System for LISP Shared Model Virtualization
  42. Configuring Large-Scale LISP Shared Model Virtualization
  43. Configuring a Remote Site for Large-Scale LISP Shared Model Virtualization
  44. Configuring Simple LISP Parallel Model Virtualization
  45. Configuring a Private LISP Mapping System for LISP Parallel Model Virtualization
  46. Configuration Examples for LISP Instance-ID Support
  47. Example: Configuring a Private LISP Mapping System for LISP Shared Model Virtualization
  48. Example: Configuring Large-Scale LISP Shared Model Virtualization
  49. Example: Configuring a Remote Site for Large-Scale LISP Shared Model Virtualization
  50. Example: Configuring Simple LISP Parallel Model Virtualization
  51. Example: Configuring a Private LISP Mapping System for LISP Parallel Model Virtualization
  52. LISP Delegate Database Tree (DDT)
  53. Configuring LISP Delegate Database Tree (DDT)
  54. Configuration Examples for LISP Delegate Database Tree (DDT)
  55. Feature History for LISP Delegate Database Tree
  56. LISP Multicast
  57. Restrictions for LISP Multicast
  58. Configuration Example for LISP Multicast
  59. Feature History for LISP Multicast
  60. LISP Support for Disjointed RLOC Domains
  61. How to Configure LISP Support for Disjointed RLOC Domains
  62. Verifying LISP Support for Disjointed RLOC Domains
  63. Feature History for LISP Support for Disjointed RLOC Domains
  64. Use Case for LISP Extranets
  65. Use Case for LISP Local Extranet Policies
  66. Configuring LISP Extranets
  67. Configuring LISP xTR functionality for Extranet Policies
  68. Verifying LISP Extranets
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. document conventions
  10. related documentation
  11. documentation feedback
  12. chapter
  13. Shared Trees
  14. Bidirectional Shared Trees
  15. multicast forwarding
  16. igmp snooping
  17. MSDP
  18. MRIB/M6RIB Dynamic Shared Memory Support
  19. Virtual Port Channels and Multicast
  20. Licensing Requirements for Multicast
  21. configuring igmp
  22. IGMP Basics
  23. Virtualization Support
  24. Licensing Requirements for IGMP
  25. configuring igmp parameters
  26. Configuring an IGMP SSM Translation
  27. Configuring the Enforce Router Alert Option Check
  28. Verifying the IGMP Configuration
  29. Configuration Examples for IGMP
  30. configuring mld
  31. MLD Basics
  32. Licensing Requirements for MLD
  33. Default Settings for MLD
  34. Configuring MLD Parameters
  35. Configuring an MLD SSM Translation
  36. Verifying the MLD Configuration
  37. Related Documents
  38. Information About PIM and PIM6
  39. Hello Messages
  40. Join-Prune Messages
  41. Static RP
  42. Auto-RP
  43. Multiple RPs Configured in a PIM Domain
  44. PIM RP versus RP Election Process
  45. Anycast-RP
  46. designated routers
  47. ECMP Multicast Load Splitting Based on Source Group and Next-Hop Address Overview
  48. Administratively Scoped IP Multicast
  49. Prerequisites for Graceful Restart PIM
  50. Additional References for Graceful Restart PIM
  51. Guidelines and Limitations for PIM and PIM6
  52. default settings
  53. Configuring PIM and PIM6
  54. Enabling the PIM and PIM6 Features
  55. Configuring PIM or PIM6 Sparse Mode Parameters
  56. Configuring PIM Sparse Mode Parameters
  57. Configuring PIM6 Sparse Mode Parameters
  58. igmp querier
  59. Example: Enabling IGMP Querier
  60. Configuring BSRs
  61. Configuring Auto-RP
  62. Configuring a PIM Anycast-RP Set
  63. Configuring Shared Trees Only for ASM
  64. configuring ssm
  65. Configuring SSM (PIM6)
  66. Disabling Multicast Multipath
  67. Enabling ECMP Multicast Load Splitting Based on Source Group and Next-Hop Address
  68. Example: Enabling ECMP Multicast Load Splitting Based on Source Group and Next-Hop Address
  69. Configuring Route Maps to Control RP Information Distribution
  70. Configuring Route Maps to Control RP Information Distribution (PIM6)
  71. Configuring Message Filtering
  72. Configuring Message Filtering (PIM)
  73. Configuring Message Filtering (PIM6)
  74. Restarting the PIM and PIM6 Processes
  75. Restarting the PIM6 Process
  76. Configuring BFD for PIM in VRF Mode
  77. Verifying the PIM and PIM6 Configuration
  78. Displaying Statistics
  79. Displaying Replication Engine Statistics
  80. Configuration Examples for PIM
  81. Auto-RP Configuration Example
  82. PIM Anycast RP Configuration Example
  83. Prefix-Based and Route-Map-Based Configurations
  84. Output
  85. Feature History for PIM and PIM6
  86. configuring igmp snooping
  87. igmpv1 and igmpv2
  88. igmp snooping querier
  89. IGMP Snooping with VDCs and VRFs
  90. Licensing Requirements for IGMP Snooping
  91. Default Settings for IGMP Snooping
  92. configuring igmp snooping parameters
  93. Configuring IGMP Snooping Parameters per VLAN
  94. Changing the Lookup Mode
  95. configuring a static multicast mac address
  96. verifying igmp snooping configuration
  97. Standards
  98. Information About MSDP
  99. SA Messages and Caching
  100. MSDP Peer-RPF Forwarding
  101. Licensing Requirements for MSDP
  102. Configuring MSDP
  103. configuring msdp peers
  104. Configuring MSDP Peer Parameters
  105. Configuring MSDP Global Parameters
  106. configuring msdp mesh groups
  107. Restarting the MSDP Process
  108. Verifying the MSDP Configuration
  109. clearing statistics
  110. Information About Configuring Multicast Extranet
  111. Components of Multicast Extranet
  112. Guidelines and Limitations for Configuring Multicast Extranet
  113. Additional References for Configuring Multicast Extranet
  114. Configuring MoFRR
  115. Prerequisites for MoFRR
  116. Verifying Configuring MoFRR
  117. troubleshooting
  118. Information About Multicast Performance Enhancement
  119. Guidelines and Limitations for Enhanced Multicast Performance
  120. Related Documents for Multicast Performance Enhancement
  121. Information About Multicast Interoperation
  122. guidelines and limitations
  123. Verifying the Multicast Configuration
  124. IETF RFCs for IP Multicast
  125. configuration limits
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. about this manual
  7. document organization
  8. document conventions
  9. Chapter 1 Product Overview
  10. Physical Description
  11. Chassis Specifications
  12. Internal Components
  13. Power Supply
  14. Fan Tray
  15. Route Processor (RP)
  16. Jumpers
  17. Series Route Switch Processor (RSP7000)
  18. Memory Components
  19. System Software
  20. Switch Processor (SP)
  21. Silicon Switch Processor (SSP)
  22. ATM Interface Processor (AIP)
  23. Channel Interface Processor (CIP)
  24. Ethernet Interface Processor (EIP)
  25. Fiber Distributed Data Interface Processor (FIP)
  26. Fast Serial Interface Processor (FSIP)
  27. HSSI Interface Processor (HIP)
  28. MultiChannel Interface Processor (MIP)
  29. Token Ring Interface Processor (TRIP)
  30. Port Densities
  31. MAC Address Allocator
  32. Online Insertion and Removal (OIR)
  33. Microcode
  34. Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Functions
  35. Environmental Monitoring
  36. Environmental Reports
  37. Fan Shutdown
  38. Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation
  39. Safety Recommendations
  40. Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage
  41. Site Requirements
  42. Interference Considerations
  43. HSSI Connections
  44. Site Environment
  45. Preventive Site Configuration: Maintaining Normal Operation
  46. General Precautions
  47. Power
  48. ATM Connection Equipment
  49. Channel Attachment Connection Equipment
  50. Fast Ethernet Connection Equipment
  51. Token Ring Connection Equipment
  52. Token Ring Cables and Connectors
  53. Token Ring Fault Management
  54. FDDI Connection Equipment
  55. FDDI Transceivers and Cable Connectors
  56. FDDI Fault Management
  57. MultiChannel (MIP) Connection Equipment
  58. Serial Connection Equipment
  59. Universal Serial Cables
  60. E1-G.703/G.704 Cables
  61. Cyclic Redundancy Checks (CRCs)
  62. EIA/TIA-232 Connections
  63. V.35 Connections
  64. EIA-530 Connections
  65. Console and Auxiliary Port Connection Equipment
  66. Tools for Installation
  67. Installation Checklist
  68. System Components
  69. Chapter 3 Installing the Router
  70. Tools and Equipment
  71. Installing the Ears on the Chassis
  72. Installing the Chassis in the Rack
  73. General Installation
  74. Installing the Cable Management Brackets
  75. Connecting Interface Cables
  76. ATM Connections
  77. Ethernet Connections
  78. Channel Attachment Connections
  79. FDDI Connections
  80. Single Attach Connections
  81. Dual Attach Connections
  82. Installing an Optical Bypass Switch
  83. Serial Connections
  84. Connecting to Metric-Based Devices
  85. MultiChannel Connections
  86. Connecting Auxiliary Port Equipment
  87. Using the Flash Memory Card
  88. Formatting the Flash Memory Card
  89. Making the Flash Memory Card Image Bootable
  90. Copying to the Flash Memory Card
  91. Flash Memory Card Compatibility
  92. Chapter 4 Troubleshooting the Installation
  93. Problem Solving with Subsystems
  94. Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem
  95. Troubleshooting the Processor Subsystem
  96. Troubleshooting the RP and SP (or SSP)
  97. Chapter 5 Maintenance
  98. Installing and Configuring Processor Modules
  99. Tools Required
  100. Ejector Levers
  101. Removing and Replacing the RP, SP or SSP, RSP7000, or RSP7000CI
  102. Installing CxBus Interface Processors
  103. Sample Screen Display for OIR
  104. Microcode Component Replacement
  105. Verifying the Microcode Version
  106. RP and RSP7000 Configurations
  107. Software Configuration Register
  108. Saving and Retrieving the Configuration File
  109. Copying the Configuration File
  110. Retrieving the Configuration File
  111. Copying Files Between NVRAM and a Flash Memory Card
  112. Replacing System Software EPROMs
  113. Replacing RP SIMMs (Upgrading DRAM)
  114. Replacing RSP7000 SIMMs (Upgrading DRAM)
  115. Replacing RSP7000 DRAM SIMMs
  116. Removing SIMMs
  117. Installing New SIMMs
  118. FSIP Configurations
  119. Configuring NRZI Format
  120. Configuring 32-Bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
  121. Replacing Serial Port Adapter Cables
  122. Replacing Serial Port Adapters
  123. MIP Configurations
  124. Checking the Configuration
  125. Removing and Replacing MIP Port Adapters
  126. Replacing Internal Components
  127. Replacing the Fan Tray
  128. Removing and Replacing the Power Harness Cover
  129. Removing and Replacing the Power Supply
  130. Replacing the Power Supply
  131. Removing the Arbiter
  132. Replacing the Arbiter
  133. cabling specifications
  134. Console Port Signals
  135. Ethernet Connector Signals
  136. Fast Ethernet Connector Signals
  137. Token Ring Port Signals
  138. Serial Adapter Cable Pinouts
  139. HSSI Connector Signals
  140. Null Modem Cable
  141. MIP Interface Cable Pinouts
  142. RSP7000 LEDs
  143. Interface Processor LEDs
  144. EIP LEDs
  145. TRIP LEDs
  146. FSIP LEDs
  147. HIP LEDs
  148. MIP LEDs
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. document conventions
  10. related documentation
  11. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  12. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series
  13. Chapter 1 Overview
  14. Cisco Nexus 7010 System
  15. Cisco Nexus 7018 System
  16. Preparing the Site
  17. Safety Guidelines
  18. Managing the System Hardware
  19. Preparing to Install the Switch
  20. Required Tools
  21. Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexu 7009 Chassi
  22. Installing the Bottom-Support Rails on the Rack
  23. Prerequisites for Attaching the Bottom-Support Rails
  24. Attaching the Center-Mount Bottom-Support Rails
  25. Installing the Chassis
  26. Required Tools and Equipment
  27. Mounting the Chassis by its Front Brackets
  28. Mounting the Chassis by its Center Brackets
  29. Grounding the Cisco Nexus 7009 Chassis
  30. Prerequisites for Grounding the Chassis
  31. Connecting Your ESD Wrist Strap to the Chassis
  32. Installing the Cable Management Frames
  33. Installing the Front Door and Air Intake Frame
  34. Installing and Formatting CompactFlash Cards
  35. Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexu 7010 Chassi
  36. Unpacking and Inspecting a New Switch
  37. Grounding the Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis
  38. Installing the Front Doors and Frame Assembly
  39. Installing the Air Filter
  40. Unpacking and Inspecting a New Chassis
  41. Chapter 4 Installing a Cisco Nexu 7018 Chassi
  42. prerequisites for installing the chassis
  43. Connecting the System Ground
  44. Installing Power Supply Units
  45. Chapter 5 Installing Power Supply Unit
  46. Prerequisites for Connecting AC Power Supply Units to AC Power Sources
  47. Connecting a 7.5-kW AC Power Supply Unit to AC Power Sources
  48. Connecting a DC Power Supply Unit to DC Power Sources
  49. Connecting a DC Power Supply Unit Directly to DC Power Sources
  50. Connecting a Power Supply Unit to DC Power Sources though a Power Interface Unit
  51. Grounding the PIU
  52. Connecting the DC Power Supply Unit to a Power Source through a PIU
  53. Preparing for Connections
  54. C H A P T E R 6 Connecting the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switch to the Network
  55. Creating an Initial Switch Configuration
  56. Setting Up the Management Interface
  57. Connecting the Supervisor CMP Port
  58. Connecting or Disconnecting a 1000BASE-T Port
  59. Disconnecting a 1000BASE-T Port from the Network
  60. Installing a Transceiver
  61. Connecting a Fiber-Optic Cable to a Transceiver
  62. Maintaining Transceivers and Fiber-Optic Cables
  63. Displaying the Switch Hardware Inventory
  64. Chapter 7 Managing the Switch Hardware
  65. Displaying the Switch Serial Number
  66. Displaying Power Usage Information
  67. Power Supply Configuration Modes
  68. Configuring the Power Supply Mode
  69. Power Supply Configuration Guidelines
  70. Information About Modules
  71. I/O Modules
  72. Checking the State of a Module
  73. Connecting to a Module
  74. Accessing an I/O Module Through the Console
  75. Shutting Down Modules
  76. Displaying the Module Temperature
  77. Displaying Environment Information
  78. Reloading Modules
  79. Saving the Module Configuration
  80. Powering I/O Modules Off or On
  81. Changing the Amount of Power Reserved for Fabric Modules
  82. Information About Fan Trays
  83. Configuring EPLDs
  84. Deciding When to Upgrade EPLDs
  85. Switch Requirements
  86. Supported Switch Operating Systems
  87. Determining Whether to Upgrade EPLD Images
  88. EPLD Images Needed for vPCs
  89. EPLD Images Needed for LISP
  90. Installation Guidelines
  91. Upgrading the EPLD Images
  92. Verifying the EPLD Upgrades
  93. Displaying the Status of EPLD Upgrades
  94. Default Settings
  95. Getting Started
  96. Chapter 8 Troubleshooting
  97. Troubleshooting a DC Power Supply Unit
  98. Troubleshooting the Supervisor Modules
  99. Troubleshooting the Fabric Modules
  100. Contacting Customer Service
  101. Replacing an AC Power Supply Unit During Operations
  102. Chapter 9 Replacement Procedure
  103. Installing an AC Power Supply Unit During Operations
  104. Replacing a DC Power Supply Unit During Operations
  105. Installing a DC Power Supply Unit During Operations
  106. Replacing a Supervisor Module
  107. Replacing a Supervisor Module in a Single-Supervisor System
  108. Upgrading Memory for Supervisor Modules
  109. Adding 4 GB of Memory to a Supervisor Module
  110. Removing 4 GB of Memory from a Supervisor Module
  111. Replacing an I/O Module
  112. Replacing a Cisco Nexus 7009 Fabric Module During Operations
  113. Replacing a Cisco Nexus 7010 or 7018 Fabric Module During Operations
  114. Replacing a Cisco Nexus 7009 Fan Tray During Operations
  115. Replacing a Cisco Nexus 7010 System Fan Tray During Operations
  116. Replacing a Cisco Nexus 7010 Fabric Fan Tray During System Operations
  117. Replacing a Cisco Nexus 7018 Fan Tray During System Operations
  118. Replacing a CompactFlash Card
  119. Replacing the Front Doors and Frame Assembly on the Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis
  120. Replacing the Cable Management Frame on the Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassis
  121. Installing a Cable Management Frame
  122. Replacing the Front Door and Air Intake Assemblies on the Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassis
  123. Removing the Front Door and Air Intake Assemblies
  124. Installing a Front Door and Air Intake Assemblies
  125. Replacing the Air Filter on the Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis
  126. Environmental Specifications for the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Systems
  127. Appendix A Technical Specification
  128. Power Specifications for the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switches
  129. Power Supply Cable Specifications
  130. Chassis Clearances
  131. Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis Clearances
  132. Chassis Airflow
  133. A P P E N D I X B Transceivers and Module Connectors
  134. Gigabit X2 Transceivers
  135. GBASE-X X2 Transceivers
  136. gigabit sfp transceivers
  137. Gigabit SFP Transceivers
  138. RJ-45 Module Connectors
  139. accessory kits
  140. Appendix C Accessory Kit
  141. Cisco Nexus 7010 Switch Accessory Kit Contents
  142. Cisco Nexus 7018 Switch Accessory Kit Contents
  143. Appendix D Chassi and Module LED
  144. Disconnecting the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series System
  145. A P P E N D I X E Repacking the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switch for Shipment
  146. Repacking the Cisco Nexus 7010 Switch
  147. Repacking the Cisco Nexus 7018 Switch
  148. Site Preparation Checklist
  149. Contact and Site Information
  150. A P P E N D I X F Site Preparation and Maintenance Records
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Chapter 1 Product Overview
  7. Physical Description
  8. Chassis Specifications
  9. System Backplane
  10. Arbiter
  11. Power Supplies
  12. System Blower
  13. Memory Components
  14. Jumpers
  15. LEDs
  16. System Software
  17. Switch Processor (SP)
  18. Silicon Switch Processor (SSP)
  19. Interface Processors
  20. ATM Interface Processor (AIP)
  21. Channel Interface Processor (CIP)
  22. Ethernet Interface Processor (EIP)
  23. Fast Ethernet Interface Processor
  24. Token Ring Interface Processor (TRIP)
  25. FDDI Interface Processor (FIP)
  26. Fast Serial Interface Processor (FSIP)
  27. Serial Port Adapters
  28. E1-G.703/G.704 Port Adapter
  29. HSSI Interface Processor (HIP)
  30. MultiChannel Interface Processor (MIP)
  31. Functional Overview
  32. Physical Interface Addresses
  33. MAC Address Allocator
  34. Online Insertion and Removal (OIR)
  35. Microcode
  36. Redundant Power
  37. Environmental Monitoring
  38. Environmental Reports
  39. Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation
  40. Safety Recommendations
  41. Working with Electricity
  42. Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage
  43. Site Requirements
  44. Plant Wiring
  45. HSSI Connections
  46. Site Environment
  47. Preventive Site Configuration: Maintaining Normal Operation
  48. Equipment-Rack Ventilation
  49. AIP Interface Types
  50. Channel Attachment Connection Equipment
  51. Fast Ethernet Connection Equipment
  52. Token Ring Physical Connections
  53. Token Ring Fault Management
  54. FDDI Connection Equipment
  55. FDDI Transceivers and Cable Connectors
  56. FDDI Station Descriptions
  57. MultiChannel (MIP) Connection Equipment
  58. Serial Connection Equipment
  59. E1-G.703/G.704 Cables
  60. NRZ and NRZI Formats
  61. Signal Modes and Timing
  62. EIA/TIA-232 Connections
  63. V.35 Connections
  64. HSSI Connection Equipment
  65. Console and Auxiliary Port Connection Equipment
  66. Installation Checklist
  67. Site Log
  68. Port Configuration Worksheet
  69. Chapter 3 Installing the Router
  70. General Installation
  71. Installing Power Supplies
  72. Accessing the Bays
  73. Inserting Power Supplies
  74. Connecting AC and DC Power
  75. Connecting Interface Cables
  76. ATM Connections
  77. Channel Attachment Connections
  78. Fast Ethernet Connections
  79. Token Ring Connections
  80. Single Attachment Connections
  81. Dual Attachment Connections
  82. Installing an Optical Bypass Switch
  83. Serial Connections
  84. MultiChannel Connections
  85. Connecting Auxiliary Port Equipment
  86. Using the Flash Memory Card
  87. Formatting the Flash Memory Card
  88. Copying an Image into the Flash Memory Card
  89. Making the Flash Memory Card Image Bootable
  90. Copying to the Flash Memory Card
  91. Flash Memory Card Compatibility
  92. Chapter 4 Troubleshooting the Installation
  93. Troubleshooting Overview
  94. Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem
  95. Troubleshooting the RP Subsystem
  96. Chapter 5 Maintenance
  97. Installing and Configuring Processor Modules
  98. Tools Required
  99. Ejector Levers
  100. Removing and Replacing the RP, SP, SSP, RSP7000, or RSP7000CI
  101. Removing CxBus Interface Processors
  102. Sample Screen Display for OIR
  103. Verifying the Microcode Version
  104. RP and RSP7000 Configurations
  105. Software Configuration Register
  106. Saving and Retrieving the Configuration File
  107. Copying the Configuration File
  108. Retrieving the Configuration File
  109. Copying Files Between NVRAM and a Flash Memory Card
  110. Replacing System Software EPROMs
  111. Replacing RP SIMMs (Upgrading DRAM)
  112. Replacing RSP7000 SIMMs (Upgrading DRAM)
  113. Replacing RSP7000 DRAM SIMMs
  114. Removing SIMMs
  115. Installing New SIMMs
  116. FSIP Configurations
  117. Configuring Timing (Clock) Signals
  118. Configuring NRZI Format
  119. Configuring 4-Bit Cyclic Redundancy Check
  120. Replacing Serial Port Adapters
  121. MIP Configurations
  122. Checking the Configuration
  123. Removing and Replacing MIP Port Adapters
  124. Installing and Replacing Power Supplies
  125. Removing and Replacing the Front Chassis Panels
  126. Replacing the Panels
  127. Cleaning and Replacing the Air Filter
  128. Replacing Internal Components
  129. Removing the LED Board
  130. Installing a New LED Board
  131. Replacing the Chassis Blower
  132. Installing a New Blower
  133. Installation Checkout
  134. Replacing the Arbiter Board
  135. Installing a New Arbiter Board
  136. Console Port Signals
  137. Fast Ethernet Connector Signals
  138. Token Ring Port Signals
  139. FDDI Optical Bypass Switch Signals
  140. HSSI Connector Signals
  141. Null Modem Cable
  142. MIP Interface Cable Pinouts
  143. Appendix B Reading LED Indicators
  144. Power Supply LEDs
  145. RSP7000 LEDs
  146. Interface Processor LEDs
  147. CIP LEDs
  148. EIP LEDs
  149. FEIP LEDs
  150. FIP LEDs
  151. FSIP LEDs
  152. HIP LEDs
  153. MIP LEDs
  154. TRIP LEDs
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Nexus 7000 Series first page preview

Nexus 7000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
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