Yamaha DM 2000 Version 2 manuals
DM 2000 Version 2
Table of contents
- important information
- operating notes
- package contents
- control surface
- scene memory
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Welcome
- surround sound
- Control Surface
- ad input section
- fader mode
- display section
- selected channel section
- phase button
- pan control
- track arming
- user defined keys
- monitor section
- control room
- Rear Panel
- power section
- Connecting the Power Cord
- About the Display
- Selecting Display
- Display Page Controls
- Using a Keyboard
- channel names
- Selecting Layers
- Selecting Channels
- Selecting Fader Modes
- Selecting Encoder Modes
- Assigning Parameters to the ENCODER MODE Assign Buttons
- AD Input Section
- Stereo Out
- Wordclocks
- TR Digital Outs
- TR Digital Ins
- Slot I/O
- setting the transfer format for higher sampling rates
- Dithering Digital Outputs
- Cascading Consoles
- Input Patching
- Output Patching
- patching direct outs
- Naming Input & Output Ports
- Patch Select Window
- Input Channels
- Gating Input Channels
- Attenuating Input Channels
- Grouping Input Channel Compressors
- Grouping Input Channel Mutes (ON/OFF)
- Input Channel Mute Master
- Grouping Input Channel Faders
- Group Master for Input Channel Faders
- Routing Input Channels
- routing pages
- Panning Input Channels
- Using Surround Pan
- Assigning Surround Channels to Buses
- Sending Input Channels to Aux Sends
- Using the MS Stereo Microphone
- Stereo Out Connectors
- Compressing the Stereo Out
- Balancing the Stereo Out
- Patching Bus Outs to Outputs
- Muting Bus Outs (ON/OFF)
- Sending Bus Outs to the Stereo Out
- Patching Aux Send Masters to Outputs
- Pre-Fader or Post-Fader Aux Sends
- Muting Aux Sends (ON/OFF)
- Viewing Aux Send Settings
- Panning Aux Sends
- Excluding Certain Channels from Aux Sends (Mix Minus)
- Copying Channel Fader Positions to Aux Sends
- Aux Send Master Inserts
- Inserting GEQs
- Matrix Sends
- Muting Matrix Sends (ON/OFF)
- Panning Matrix Sends
- Viewing Matrix Send Settings
- Attenuating Matrix Send Masters
- Grouping Master Faders
- Common Channel Functions
- Attenuating Signals
- Using EQ
- Grouping Output Channel EQs
- Compressing Channels
- Grouping Output Channel Compressors
- Delaying Channel Signals
- Soloing Channels
- Pairing Channels
- Grouping Output Channel Faders
- Group Master for the Output Channel Faders
- Grouping Output Channel Mutes (ON/OFF)
- Viewing Channel Parameter Settings
- Viewing Channel Fader Settings
- bus outs
- Copying Channel Settings
- Naming Channels
- output channels
- Monitoring & Talkback
- Studio Monitoring
- Surround Monitoring
- Using Talkback & Slate
- talkback setup
- About the Libraries
- Channel Library
- Input Patch Library
- GEQ Library
- Bus to Stereo Library
- Gate Library
- Comp Library
- EQ Library
- Automix Library
- About the Effects
- Editing Effects
- Adding Optional Add-On Effects
- About Plug-Ins
- Editing Plug-Ins
- About the GEQs
- Editing the Graphic EQ Using the Channel Faders
- About Scene Memories
- Auto Scene Memory Update
- Storing & Recalling Scenes with the SCENE MEMORY Buttons
- Using the Scene Memory
- Fading Scenes
- Recalling Scenes Safely
- Sorting Scenes
- About Automix
- Automix Main
- AUTOMIX Section
- Channel Strip [AUTO] Buttons
- Selecting the Timecode Source & Frame Rate
- Creating a Time Signature Map
- Inserting Mix Parameters into Automix
- Rerecording Events
- Parameter Recording
- Punching In & Out Individual Parameters
- Playing Back an Automix
- Editing Events Offline
- MIDI Port Setup
- MIDI Channel Setup
- Assigning Scenes to Program Changes
- Assigning Parameters to Control Changes
- Using Bulk Dump
- Pro Tools Remote Layer
- Control Surface Operation with the Pro Tools Remote Layer
- selected channel
- matrix select section
- fader mode section
- effects/plug-ins section
- locator section
- data entry & transport section
- Scrolling Windows
- Assigning Inputs to Channels
- Assigning Outputs to Channels
- Muting Channels
- Assigning Send Destinations
- Setting Send Levels
- Assigning Inserts/Plug-ins
- Bypassing Individual Plug-ins
- Resetting Faders, Sends, Panpots & Plug-ins
- Zooming
- Scrub & Shuttle
- Automation
- trim mode
- Panner
- Remote Control
- About Machine Control (MMC & P2)
- transport buttons
- GPI (General Purpose Interface)
- Controlling AD8HR/AD824 A/D Converters
- Other Functions
- Saving DM2000 Data to SmartMedia
- Setting Preferences
- Using the Oscillator
- Operation Lock
- Checking the Battery and the System Version
- USER DEFINED KEYS Initial Assignments
- Input Patch Parameters
- Initial Input Patch Settings
- Output Patch Parameters
- Initial Output Patch Settings
- Initial Input Channel Names
- Initial Output Channel Names
- Initial Input Port Names
- Initial Output Port Names
- GPI Trigger Source & Target List
- User Defined Remote Layer Initial Bank Settings
- Effects Parameters
- delay lcr
- dual pitch
- amp simulate
- auto pan
- Effects and tempo synchronization
- Preset EQ Parameters
- Preset Compressor Parameters (fs = 44.1 kHz)
- Dynamics Parameters
- comp section
- General Spec
- Appendix B: Specifications
- Libraries
- Analog Input Spec
- Digital Input Spec
- I/O Slot Spec
- Connector Pin Assignments
- Dimensions
- Scene Memory to Program Change Table
- Initial Parameter to Control Change Table
- MIDI Data Format
- program change
- bulk dump
- parameter change
- MB2000 Peak Meter Bridge
- SP2000 Wooden Side Panels
- Index
- Confirmation Messages
- Configuring Windows Computers
- midi implementation chart
- important safety instructions
DM 2000 Version 2
Table of contents
- important information
- Table Of Contents
- Getting Started
- Minimum System Requirements
- Software Installation for Windows
- usb midi driver
- Software Installation for Macintosh
- studio manager for dm2000
- Setting up OMS
- Connecting to the DM2000
- Starting Studio Manager
- Using Studio Manager Online & Offline
- Console Window
- Input Channels
- channel fader
- Master Section
- Master Layer Channels
- Remote Layer Channels
- Selected Channel Window
- Bus Outs
- Aux Sends
- Stereo Out
- Matrix Sends
- Remote Channels
- Patch Editor Window
- Output Patch
- Insert Patch
- Effect Patch
- Direct Out Patch
- Surround Editor Window
- GEQ Editor Window
- Timecode Counter Window
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Index
DM 2000 Version 2
Table of contents
- important information
- yamaha web site
- control surface
- scene memory
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Welcome
- Control Surface
- ad input section
- display section
- phase button
- pan control
- user defined keys
- monitor section
- control room
- Rear Panel
- Connecting the Power Cord
- About the Display
- Selecting Display
- Display Page Controls
- Using a Keyboard
- other parameters
- Selecting Layers
- Selecting Channels
- Selecting Fader Modes
- Selecting Encoder Modes
- Assigning Parameters to the ENCODER MODE Assign Buttons
- AD Input Section
- Stereo Out
- Wordclocks
- selecting the wordclock source
- TR Digital Outs
- TR Digital Ins
- Slot I/O
- setting the transfer format for higher sampling rates
- Dithering Digital Outputs
- Cascading Consoles
- Input Patching
- Output Patching
- patching direct outs
- Naming Input & Output Ports
- Patch Select Window
- Input Channels
- Gating Input Channels
- Attenuating Input Channels
- Grouping Input Channel Compressors
- Grouping Input Channel Mutes (ON/OFF)
- Input Channel Mute Master
- Grouping Input Channel Faders
- Group Master for Input Channel Faders
- Routing Input Channels
- Panning Input Channels
- Using Surround Pan
- Assigning Surround Channels to Buses
- Sending Input Channels to Aux Sends
- Using the MS Stereo Microphone
- Stereo Out Connectors
- Compressing the Stereo Out
- Balancing the Stereo Out
- Patching Bus Outs to Outputs
- Muting Bus Outs (ON/OFF)
- Sending Bus Outs to the Stereo Out
- Patching Aux Send Masters to Outputs
- Pre-Fader or Post-Fader Aux Sends
- Muting Aux Sends (ON/OFF)
- Viewing Aux Send Settings
- Panning Aux Sends
- Excluding Certain Channels from Aux Sends (Mix Minus)
- Copying Channel Fader Positions to Aux Sends
- Aux Send Master Inserts
- Inserting GEQs
- Matrix Sends
- Muting Matrix Sends (ON/OFF)
- Panning Matrix Sends
- Viewing Matrix Send Settings
- Attenuating Matrix Send Masters
- Grouping Master Faders
- Common Channel Functions
- Attenuating Signals
- Using EQ
- Grouping Output Channel EQs
- Compressing Channels
- Grouping Output Channel Compressors
- Delaying Channel Signals
- Soloing Channels
- Pairing Channels
- Grouping Output Channel Faders
- Group Master for the Output Channel Faders
- Grouping Output Channel Mutes (ON/OFF)
- Viewing Channel Parameter Settings
- Viewing Channel Fader Settings
- bus outs
- Copying Channel Settings
- Naming Channels
- output channels
- Monitoring & Talkback
- Studio Monitoring
- Surround Monitoring
- Using Talkback & Slate
- About the Libraries
- Channel Library
- Input Patch Library
- GEQ Library
- Bus to Stereo Library
- Gate Library
- Comp Library
- EQ Library
- Automix Library
- About the Effects
- dynamic effects
- Editing Effects
- Adding Optional Add-On Effects
- About Plug-Ins
- Editing Plug-Ins
- About the GEQs
- Editing the Graphic EQ Using the Channel Faders
- About Scene Memories
- Auto Scene Memory Update
- Storing & Recalling Scenes with the SCENE MEMORY Buttons
- Using the Scene Memory
- Fading Scenes
- Recalling Scenes Safely
- Sorting Scenes
- About Automix
- Automix Main
- AUTOMIX Section
- Channel Strip [AUTO] Buttons
- Selecting the Timecode Source & Frame Rate
- Creating a Time Signature Map
- Inserting Mix Parameters into Automix
- Rerecording Events
- Parameter Recording
- Punching In & Out Individual Parameters
- Playing Back an Automix
- Editing Events Offline
- MIDI Port Setup
- MIDI Channel Setup
- Assigning Scenes to Program Changes
- Assigning Parameters to Control Changes
- Using Bulk Dump
- Pro Tools Remote Layer
- Control Surface Operation with the Pro Tools Remote Layer
- matrix select section
- fader mode section
- effects/plug-ins section
- locator section
- parameter wheel
- Scrolling Windows
- Assigning Inputs to Channels
- Assigning Outputs to Channels
- Muting Channels
- Assigning Send Destinations
- Setting Send Levels
- Assigning Inserts/Plug-ins
- Bypassing Individual Plug-ins
- Resetting Faders, Sends, Panpots & Plug-ins
- Zooming
- Scrub & Shuttle
- Automation
- trim mode
- Panner
- Remote Control
- About Machine Control (MMC & P2)
- transport buttons
- using the locator
- GPI (General Purpose Interface)
- Controlling AD8HR/AD824 A/D Converters
- Other Functions
- Using the User Defined Keys
- Saving DM2000 Data to SmartMedia
- Setting Preferences
- Using the Oscillator
- Operation Lock
- Checking the Battery and the System Version
- USER DEFINED KEYS Initial Assignments
- Input Patch Parameters
- Initial Input Patch Settings
- Output Patch Parameters
- Initial Output Patch Settings
- Initial Input Channel Names
- Initial Output Channel Names
- Initial Input Port Names
- Initial Output Port Names
- GPI Trigger Source & Target List
- User Defined Remote Layer Initial Bank Settings
- Effects Parameters
- mono delay
- ring mod
- auto pan
- Effects and tempo synchronization
- Preset EQ Parameters
- Preset Compressor Parameters (fs = 44.1 kHz)
- Dynamics Parameters
- comp section
- General Spec
- Appendix B: Specifications
- Libraries
- Analog Input Spec
- Digital Input Spec
- I/O Slot Spec
- Connector Pin Assignments
- Dimensions
- Scene Memory to Program Change Table
- Initial Parameter to Control Change Table
- MIDI Data Format
- program change
- bulk dump
- parameter change
- MB2000 Peak Meter Bridge
- SP2000 Wooden Side Panels
- Index
- Confirmation Messages
- Configuring Windows Computers
- midi implementation chart
DM 2000 Version 2
Table of contents
- studio manager
- important information
- Table Of Contents
- Getting Started
- Windows System Requirements
- Macintosh System Requirements
- System Hookup
- Windows Installation
- windows 2000
- Yamaha CBX Driver (DM2000/02R96 only)
- Macintosh Installation
- USB MIDI Driver
- Studio Manager
- Setting Up OMS
- Starting Studio Manager
- Configuring Studio Manager
- Synchronizing Studio Manager
- Working with Sessions
- Troubleshooting
- software licensing agreement
DM 2000 Version 2
Table of contents
DM 2000 Version 2
Table of contents
- important information
- Table Of Contents
- Getting Started
- Configuring Studio Manager
- Synchronizing Studio Manager
- Console Window
- Input Channels
- channel fader
- Master Section
- Output Channels
- Remote Channels
- Selected Channel Window
- Bus Outs
- Aux Sends
- Matrix Sends
- Stereo Out
- Library Window
- close button
- Patch Editor Window
- Output Patch
- Insert Patch
- Effect Patch
- Direct Out Patch
- Surround Editor Window
- Effect Editor Window
- GEQ Editor Window
- Timecode Counter Window
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Index
- Table Of Contents
DM 2000 Version 2
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Cascade Setup
- Patching
- Control and Monitoring
- Scene Recall MIDI Link
- Mode 2: Remote Control & One-way Audio: PM5D to DME64N
- Mode 3: One-way Audio Cascade: PM5D to DME64N
- MIDI Link
- Mode 4: Audio from DME64N to PM5D
- PM5D & DME64N with MY16-C/MY16-CII
- MY16-C Setup
- MY16-CII Setup
- PM5D & DME24N with MY16-C/MY16-CII
DM 2000 Version 2
Table of contents
- important information
- package contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Welcome
- remote control
- Control Surface & Rear Panel
- display section
- monitor section
- Rear Panel
- power section
- Operating Basics
- Selecting Display
- Display History
- Title Edit Window
- Channel Strip Displays
- Selecting Layers
- Selecting Channels
- Selecting Fader Modes
- Selecting Encoder Modes
- Assigning Parameters to the ENCODER MODE Assign Buttons
- Analog I/O & the AD Input Section
- Stereo Out
- Digital I/O & Cascading
- TR Digital Outs
- TR Digital Ins
- Slot I/O
- Dithering Digital Outputs
- Cascading Consoles
- Input & Output Patching
- Output Patching
- Naming Input & Output Ports
- Patch Select Window
- Input Channels
- Gating Input Channels
- Attenuating Input Channels
- Grouping Input Channel EQs
- Grouping Input Channel Compressors
- Grouping Input Channel Mutes (ON/OFF)
- Setting Input Channel Levels
- Routing Input Channels
- Panning Input Channels
- Using Surround Pan
- Sending Input Channels to Aux Sends
- Soloing Input Channels
- Compressing the Stereo Out
- Balancing the Stereo Out
- Patching Bus Outs to Outputs
- Muting Bus Outs (ON/OFF)
- Sending Bus Outs to the Stereo Out
- Aux Sends
- Setting Aux Send Levels
- Muting Aux Sends (ON/OFF)
- Viewing Aux Send Settings
- Panning Aux Sends
- Metering Aux Send Masters
- Settings Aux Send Master Levels
- Matrix Sends
- Muting Matrix Sends (ON/OFF)
- Panning Matrix Sends
- Metering Matrix Send Masters
- Grouping Master Compressors
- Delaying Matrix Send Masters
- Common Channel Functions
- Attenuating Signals
- Using EQ
- Grouping Output Channel EQs
- Using Inserts
- Compressing Channels
- Grouping Output Channel Compressors
- Delaying Channel Signals
- Soloing Channels
- Pairing Channels
- Grouping Output Channel Faders
- Grouping Output Channel Mutes (ON/OFF)
- Viewing Channel Parameter Settings
- Viewing Channel Fader Settings
- Copying Channel Settings
- Naming Channels
- Monitoring & Talkback
- Studio Monitoring
- Surround Monitoring
- Using Talkback & Slate
- Libraries
- Channel Library
- Input Patch Library
- GEQ Library
- Bus to Stereo Library
- Gate Library
- Comp Library
- EQ Library
- Automix Library
- Internal Effects, Plug-Ins & GEQs
- Editing Effects
- About Plug-Ins
- Editing Plug-Ins
- About the GEQs
- Scene Memories
- Auto Scene Memory Update
- Storing & Recalling Scenes with the SCENE MEMORY Buttons
- Using the Scene Memory
- Fading Scenes
- Recalling Scenes Safely
- Sorting Scenes
- Automix
- Automix Main
- AUTOMIX Section
- Channel Strip [AUTO] Buttons
- Fader Edit
- Selecting the Timecode Source & Frame Rate
- Creating a Time Signature Map
- Rerecording Events
- Parameter Recording
- Punching In & Out Individual Parameters
- Playing Back an Automix
- Editing Events Offline
- MIDI & the DM2000
- MIDI Port Setup
- MIDI Channel Setup
- Assigning Scenes to Program Changes
- Assigning Parameters to Control Changes
- Using Bulk Dump
- Pro Tools Remote Layer
- Configuring Pro Tools
- Control Surface Operation with the Pro Tools Remote Layer
- Scrolling Windows
- Assigning Outputs to Channels
- Muting Channels
- Assigning Send Destinations
- Setting Send Levels
- Flip Mode
- Assigning Inserts/Plug-ins
- Bypassing Individual Plug-ins
- Resetting Faders, Sends, Panpots & Plug-ins
- Zooming
- Scrub & Shuttle
- Automation
- Remote Control
- Using User Defined Remote Layers
- About Machine Control (MMC & P2)
- Configuring the REMOTE Port
- Using Shuttle & Scrub
- Setting the Locate Memories, Pre-roll, Post-roll & Roll-back
- Arming Machine Tracks
- Configuring Track Arming Groups
- GPI (General Purpose Interface)
- Controlling AD824 A/D Converters
- Other Functions
- Saving DM2000 Data to SmartMedia
- Setting Preferences
- Using the Oscillator
- Initializing the DM2000
- Appendix A: Parameter Lists
- USER DEFINED KEYS Initial Assignments
- Initial Input Patch Settings
- Output Patch Parameters
- Initial Output Patch Settings
- Initial Input Channel Names
- Initial Output Channel Names
- Initial Input Port Names
- Initial Output Port Names
- GPI Trigger Source List
- Effects Parameters
- stereo delay
- ring mod
- Preset EQ Parameters
- Preset Compressor Parameters (fs = 44.1 kHz)
- General Spec
- Appendix B: Specifications
- Controls
- Indicators
- Analog Input Spec
- Digital Input Spec
- I/O Slot Spec
- Connector Pin Assignments
- Dimensions
- Appendix C: MIDI
- Initial Parameter to Control Change Table
- MIDI Data Format
- Appendix D: Options
- SP2000 Wooden Side Panels
- Index
- midi implementation chart