1Yamaha DM2000 Update V1.1This document explains the new and revised func-tions for DM2000 Update 1.1.Scene Memory & Input/Output PatchLinkingInput Patch and Output Patch library memories canbe linked to Scene memories so that when a Scene isrecalled, the input and output patches are recalled aswell.The PATCH LINK INPUT and OUTPUT parame-ters can be found on the Scene Memory page shownbelow, which is located by pressing the SCENEMEMORY [DISPLAY] button.Use the cursor buttons to select the PATCH LINKINPUT and OUTPUT parameters, use the Parame-ter wheel to select Input Patch and Output Patchlibrary memories, and press the [ENTER] button toset. A dash (–) means that no patch memory isselected.When you store a Scene, the last recalled or storedInput Patch and Output Patch library memories areautomatically linked to that Scene.If the specified Input or Output Patch library mem-ory contains no data, only the Scene is recalled, theinput and output patching will remain the same.Bass Management for 3-1 & STMonitor MatrixesBass Management can now be used with the 3-1 andStereo Out monitor matrixes. Previously, Bass Man-agement could be used only with the 5.1 monitormatrix. The Bass Management function can befound on the Surround Monitor Setup page, whichcan be located by using the MONITOR [DISPLAY]button when either the 3-1 or 5.1 Surround mode isselected.The following screen shots show the Bass Manage-ment configurations for the 5.1, 3-1, and Stereomonitor matrixes, with Bass Management turned onand off.In addition, the Monitor Matrix configurations havechanged as follows. (The 5.1 to 5.1 matrix isunchanged.)Note: When using the 3-1 monitor matrix, even withfilm sources, use Bass Management presets 1 and 2(presets 3 and 4 may not provide correct monitoring).5.1 ON3-1 ONST ON5.1 OFF3-1 OFFST OFF3-1 to 3-13-1 to ST5.1 to 5.15.1 to 3-15.1 to STE