4Mounting and connection of the devices should comply with national legislationfor mounting of electric materials, i.a. wire cross section, protective fuse, andlocation. Descriptions of input / output and supply connections are shown in theblock diagram and side label.The following apply to fixed hazardous voltagesconnected devices:The max. size of the protective fuse is 10 A and, together with a powerswitch, it should be easily accessible and close to the device. The powerswitch should be marked with a label indicating that it will switch off thevolt age to the device.Year of manufacture can be taken from the first two digits in the serial number.UL InStALLAtIon reqUIreMentS:Use 60/75°C copper conducters onlyFor use only in pollution degree 2 or betterMax. ambient temperature ..................... 60°CMax. wire size......................................... AWG 2614UL file number ........................................ E324843CALIbrAtIon AnD ADjUStMent:During calibration and adjustment, the measuring and connection of externalvoltages must be carried out according to the specifications of this manual. Thetechnician must use tools and instruments that are safe to use.norMAL operAtIon:Operators are only allowed to adjust and operate devices that are safely fixedin panels, etc., thus avoiding the danger of personal injury and damage. Thismeans there is no electrical shock hazard, and the device is easily accessible.CLeAnIng:When disconnected, the devices may be cleaned with a cloth moistened withdistilled water.LIAbILIty:To the extent that the instructions in this manual are not strictly observed, thecustomer cannot advance a demand against Red Lion that would otherwiseexist according to the concluded sales agreement.