211. Choose Menu > Camera . The videochannel interface is displayed.2. Enable a disabled analog channel.1) Select the disabled channel from the channellist, and then click the En/Disable button.2) Configure the parameters for the analogchannel. For a description of the majorparameters, see xxx.3) Click the Set button to save theconfiguration.NOTE!When the channel is enabled, its state isdisplayed as Enable in the Channel column. Forchannels that have been enabled, skip this step.Table 2‐3 Parameter Descriptions for Configuring an Analog ChannelParameter DescriptionPTZ Protocol PTZ protocol that the PTZ camera supports.AddressCodeAddress code of the PTZ camera.In order to control the PTZ camera, you need to decrease the address code of the PTZ cameraif necessary when the PTZ protocols are PELCO‐P, ALEC PELCO‐P, MINKING PELCO‐P,JINSANLI_PELCO‐P, and YAAN_PELCO‐P. Otherwise, you cannot control the PTZ.PTZ ControlSerialNumber of the serial port of the DVR bound to the PTZ cameral. Setting this parameter toNone indicates that no serial port is bound to the camera.Note:You need to choose Menu > Configuration > Serial Port Configuration and then set the serialport mode to PTZ Control.Multicast IP IP address of the multicast group that will receive the audio and video streams from thecamera.