97Table 10‐3 Description of Important Parameters Involved in Serial Port ConfigurationParameter DescriptionSerial Typez RS232: It is used for device maintenance. For example, the RS‐232 port may be usedto connect a PC.z RS485: It is used to connect an external device, such as a PTZ camera, a transparentchannel device for data transmission, or a specialized keyboard.Serial Modez Debugging: It is selected only for the DVR device. The RS‐232 serial port is used fordevice maintenance.z PTZ control: Allows you to control the PTZ camera through the RS485 serial port.z Transparent Channel: It is selected to transparently transmit data between the deviceand the third‐party device through the RS‐485 serial port.Note:If the device is the registered online IPC, the serial mode can be Transparent Channel, PTZControl, or OSD Overlay. On the actual configuration interface, this parameter varies withdifferent device models.TransparentChannelThis parameter specifies whether to enable or disable the transparent channel function. Atransparent channel refers to a channel that transparently transmits data between twodevices. One end of the channel is a serial port, and the other end is a network port.Note:Select Enable when the serial mode is set to Transparent Channel.Destination IPDestinationPortIP address and port number of the port at the other end of the transparent channelNote:The two parameters can be set only when the serial port mode is set to TransparentChannel.User ConfigurationUsers are entities for system management and operation. After being assigned corresponding rolepermissions, users can log in to the device to perform corresponding system management and operations.A role is a group of operation permissions. When a role is assigned to a user, the user has all permissionsdefined in the role.admin is the default super system administrator, who owns all permissions. The username and initialpassword of this user are both admin. The user admin can change its own password but cannot be deleted.Only the user admin can perform user management. The system supports two types of user roles:z Operator: This role has live playback and related service permissions by default. The user admin canmodify the permissions of the Operator as necessary.z Administrator: This role has service management, live playback, and service query permissions bydefault. The user admin can modify the permissions of the Administrator as required.NOTE!Some permissions are associated with each other. For example, when the patrol configuration or presetposition configuration permission is configured, the live viewing and PTZ control permissions of thecamera are automatically added.