Zanussi easyChill BCFWS101 110712 Specifications
ZANUSSIP R O F E S S I O N A LBLAST CHILLER/FREEZERS 50-50kgZANUSSI easyChill110712SET OF 5 S/S RUNNERS-6&10 GN 1/1BCF LW 23-POINT-SENSORPROBE-BL.C/FREEZERS LW 1INCLUDED ACCESSORIESPower supply - V, phases, Hz 400 V, 3N, 50installed-electric 4.26Power - kWat evaporation temperature - °C -30Refrigerant powerRefrigeration power - W 2540Refrigerant quantity - g. 4500Refrigerant type R404aN° defrost in 24 hrs. 6Compressor power - HP 2.9N° of positions/pitch, mm 36, 20Max load capacity - trays h 65 mm - n° 10Trays type 600x400; GN1/1; Ice CreamDoor hinges Leftheight 1730depth/with open doors 940, 1379width 895External dimensions - mmThermometers DigitalThermostat ElectronicCooling unit Built-InGross capacity (D.I.N. 8952) - l. 560UK Guide lines - chilling / freezing 50, 50NF Regulations - chilling / freezing 36, 36Productivity per cycle - kg.Type Blast freezer - 50kgBCFWS101110712CHARACTERISTICS MODELSTECHNICAL DATARANGECOMPOSITIONChilling means bringing the temperature ofcooked food from +90ºC to +3°C in a shorttime lap to minimize bacteria proliferation andavoid loss of food consistency and texture.The ZANUSSI easyChill BlastChillers/Freezers reduce temperature to+3°C at food core in less than 90 minutesand down to -18°C in less than four hours.After the Blast Chilling a holding cycle startsautomatically to respectively maintain food at+3°C and -18°C. Blast freezed food has asolid 6 months/1 year shelf life without loss offlavour, nutritional values and weight. Theopportunity to prepare in a single shot thefood to be used in different times during theweek enables a better work scheduling andtherefore a sensible reduction in labour costs.FUNCTIONAL ANDCONSTRUCTIONFEATURES� Cruise cycle : the chiller automaticallydrives the chilling process to maintain thefood quality and reduce where possible thetotal chilling time (it works by food probe).� Soft Chilling (Air temperature –2°C).� Hard Chilling (Air temperature –20°C).� All the probe-driven cycles feature ARTE(Algorithm for Remaining Time Estimation) :the machine displays the actual time neededto end the cycle and to make planning theactivities easier.� Holding at +3°C (automatically activatedat the end of each probe driven cycle).� Turbo cooling: the chiller workscontinuously at the desired temperature.Ideal for continuous production and for pastryapplication.� Automatic recognition of the insertion ofthe food probe (cycles piloted either by foodprobe temperature or by time)� The control unit provides severaloperating settings: time/core temperatureaccording to NF and UK regulations, time/airtemperature/probe personalised according tonational regulations, sterilizing cycle: UVlamps built-in (on request), 3 single sensorcore temperature probes (as accessory),ideal for meats, automatic defrosting andmanual defrosting. All parameters areprogrammable.� 3-sensor core probe as standard.� The control unit provides two largedisplays to read out: time, core temperature,residual time, alarms, service information.� Two specialized cycles, P1 brings downthe ice-cream temperature to -14°C(measured at the core when probe isinserted). Once set temperature is reacheed,the temporary maintenance phaseautomatically begins, holding the -14°Ctemperature. P2 sets temperature to -36°C /-40°C for an indefinite amount of time,maintaining the ventilation active.Temperature is adjustable up to -40°Cwithout interrupting the cycle, allowingice-cream to be kept longer in the freezer.� All information related to the differentoperating models are recorded: date, time,cycle, core temperature, holdingtemperature, HACCP accordance. |
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