ENGLISH 19Measure out the amount ofdetergent required, pour it into themain wash compartment .Do not use gelatinous or thickliquid detergents.Do not put more liquid than themaximum level.Do not set the “Delay Start”.Do not set the “Prewash” phase.When you use the liquiddetergentPull out the dispenser drawer untilit stops.------Measure out the detergent and thefabric softener;2.Close the drawer gently.-Residues of detergent, softenerand water may remain in thedispenser. It is recommended toclean the dispenser regularly toremove any residue.The softener amount used mustnot exceed the “MAX” mark in thedrawer.If you use thick softeners it isrecommended to dilute with water.If you want your laundry to be spun oruse temperature different from the oneproposed by the Washer-Dryer, press“Spin” and “Temp” touchpadsrepeatedly to change the spin speedand temperature.Press the option touchpads, if youwant your laundry to be washed withspecial functions.Different functions can becombined which is dependent onthe program selected.If an option is not compatible withthe wash program selected, thesymbol “ ” will flash on displayalong with buzzer sound.If you want to delay the start of thewashing program, press the“Delay Start” touchpad repeatedly tochoose your Washer-Dryer delaytime.5.3 Options Setting−−1.2.NOTENOTENOTEIf you wish to carry out the“Prewash” phase, pour it into thecompartment marked .If required, pour fabric softener intothe compartment marked .−−