Appendix IZCast Design Guide - 21into the metal. When gas passes through the metal as it cools, it can be trapped, forming pocketscalled porosity. To avoid this, the cores can be hollowed with the hollow sections vented throughthe core print to the outside of the mold. It is important to keep the venting path away from themetal path.WARNINGInadequate venting in the mold or core can lead to theunexpected release of entrapped gases and molten metalcausing personal injury during metal casting. Venting pathsin the mold must be arranged and directed away from themetal path to avoid entrapment of gases.WARNINGDo not handle molten metal without adequate local exhaustventilation. Hot gases emitted by during the casting processcan burn skin and are irritating and toxic. Refer to the ZCast501 powder MSDS for more information.6.5.1 Venting CoresFollow these guidelines to obtain best results when designing vents for your cores:• The cores should be shelled in byapproximately 0.25 in (6.35 mm)wall thickness where possible.• Any single wall of the core shouldbe no thicker than 0.5 in (13 mm),or thinner than 0.14 in (3.5 mm).Very slender cores with thinnerwalls are possible over shortlengths, distortion will limit howlong they can be.• The core vents should continuethrough the mold walls and out tothe atmosphere. This should typically be donethrough the core print, as far away from theparting lines as possible (to limit the possibility of metal leakage).• Depowdering heavily contoured core vents can be a challenge if 0.12 in (3 mm) diametervents curve into a tight radius.CAUTIONVents not located in the core, vents too close to partinglines, or vents that break through to the casting surface mayleak molten metal and cause personal injury. Locate ventsin the core, away from the casting surface, and as far aspossible from parting lines.Figure 9: Venting the core