The GSD (Geräte-Stamm-Datei) is online available in the following language versions.Further language versions are available on inquires:Name LanguageSPEEDBUS.GSD German (default)SPEEDBUS.GSG GermanSPEEDBUS.GSE EnglishThe GSD files may be found at at the service area.The integration of the SPEEDBUS.GSD takes place with the following proceeding:1. Go to the service area of Load from the download area at ‘Config files è PROFIBUS’ the according file foryour System 300S.3. Extract the file to your work directory.4. Start the hardware configurator from Siemens.5. Close every project.6. Select ‘Options è Install new GSD-file’.7. Navigate to the directory VIPA_System_300S and select SPEEDBUS.GSD an.ð The SPEED7 CPUs and modules of the System 300S from VIPA may now befound in the hardware catalog at PROFIBUS-DP / Additional field devices / I/O /VIPA_SPEEDBUS.The embedding of the CPU 317-4PN23 happens by means of a virtual PROFIBUSmaster system with the following approach:1. Perform a hardware configuration for the CPU.Ä Chapter 5.4 ‘Hardware configura-tion - CPU’ on page 472. Configure always as last module a Siemens DP master CP 342-5 (342-5DA02V5.0). Connect and parametrize it at operation mode "DP-Master".3. Connect the slave system "VIPA_SPEEDbus". After installing the SPEEDBUS.GSDthis may be found in the hardware catalog at Profibus-DP / Additional field devices /I/O / VIPA / VIPA_SPEEDBUS.4. For the slave system set the PROFIBUS address 100.5. Configure at slot 0 the VIPA CPU 317-4PN23 of the hardware catalog fromVIPA_SPEEDbus.6. By double clicking the placed CPU 317-4PN23 the properties dialog of the CPUmay be opened.The hardware configuration, which is shown here, is only required, if youwant to customize the VIPA specific parameters.5.10.2 VIPA specific parametersThe following parameters may be accessed by means of the properties dialog of theVIPA-CPU.Installation of theSPEEDBUS.GSDHardware configurationVIPA System 300S+ Deployment CPU 317-4PN23Setting VIPA specific CPU parameters > VIPA specific parametersHB140 | CPU | 317-4PN23 | en | 18-01 57