9 Deployment Ethernet communication - PROFINET9.1 Basics PROFINETn PROFINET is an open Industrial Ethernet Standard from PROFIBUS & PROFINETInternational (PI) for automation. PROFINET is standardized in the IEC 61158.n PROFINET uses TCP/IP and IT standards and supplements the PROFIBUS tech-nology for applications, where fast data communication with industrial IT functions isdemanded.There are 2 PROFINET function classes:n PROFINET IOn PROFINET CBAThese may be realized in 3 performance steps:n TCP/IP communicationn RT communicationn IRT communicationn With PROFINET IO an I/O data sight to the distributed periphery is described.PROFINET IO describes the whole data transfer between IO controller and IO device.PROFINET is configured like PROFIBUS.n PROFINET IO always contains the real time concept.n Contrary to the master-slave procedure of PROFIBUS, PROFINET uses the provider-consumer model. This supports the communication relations (AR = Application Rela-tion) between equal participants in the Ethernet. Here the provider sends its datawithout a request of the communication partner. Apart from the user data exchangealso functions for parametrization and diagnostics are supported.n PROFINET CBA means Component Based Automation.n This component model describes the communication between autonomously workingstations.n It makes a simple modularization of complex plants possible, by distributed intelli-gence by means of graphic configuration for communication of intelligent modules.This is the open communication via Ethernet TCP/IP without any demand on real-time.RT means Real-Time. The RT communication represents the basics for data transfer atPROFINET IO. Here RT data are handled with higher priority.IRT means Isochronous Real-Time. With the IRT communication the bus cycle beginsclock-exactly i.e. with a maximum permissible tolerance and is again synchronized.Thereby the time-controlled and synchronous transfer of data is guaranteed. Here synctelegrams of a sync master in the network serve for.PROFINET of IEC 61158 has the following properties:n Full-duplex transfer with 100MBit/s via copper respectively fibre optics.n Switched Ethernetn Auto negotiation (negotiates the transfer parameters)n Auto crossover (transmission and receipt lines are crossed automatically if neces-sary)GeneralPROFINET IOPROFINET CBATCP/IP CommunicationRT CommunicationIRT CommunicationProperties of PROFINETVIPA System 300S+Deployment Ethernet communication - PROFINETBasics PROFINETHB140 | CPU | 317-4PN23 | en | 18-01130